Hey everyone. Guillavoie and myself have spent the last couple of days discussing lots of changes to the weekly contests for 2012. Here's what we have come up with (a lot of this is patched together from PMs we have exchanged):
We are going to break up the contests into 6 blocks that will last 6 weeks each. The winner of each block will be entered into a tournament of champions at the end of the year. Ookii risu sent guillavoie a PM when the 2011 contest ended where she proposed a creation of icons to reward the best players of each game genre. We could structure each block in a way that all games played in a particular block are from a different genre. This way, we could also reward genre champions at the end of all blocks, and include them into the final tournament. Here's an example:
Block 1: From January 15 to February 25
1st week: Platformer : Super Mario Bros.
2nd week: Shoot Em Up: Life Force
3rd week: Sports\Racing : R.C. Pro-Am
4th week: Puzzle : Tetris
5th week: Arcade : Donkey Kong
6th week: Beat Em Up : Double Dragon
Block 2: From March 4 to April 14
1st week: Arcade : Bubble Bobble
2nd week: Beat Em Up : Bad Dudes
3nd week: Puzzle : Kickle Cubicle
4th week: Platformer : Contra
5th week: Sports\Racing : Track & Field
6th week: Shoot Em Up : Xevious
(Repeat the formula for all subsequent blocks...)
We will release the entire list of games being played for the contests for the whole year so players will have the choice to focus on a particular block of games or on a particular genre throughout the whole year. In terms of the games we choose, I think we should stick to mostly common games since most of everyone will have them or be able to acquire them easily, although we could throw in an uncommon game here and there if we need to. We would need to clarify a few rules to clear out blurred areas. Rules like:
- You can't win two blocks during the year. Once you won a block, you can play for fun but your score is not counted in the leaderboard.
- If you win a block, and you happen to be also a genre winner, you will get the genre icon but the 2nd best player in the genre will earn the spot in the final tournament normally attributed for winning the genre.
And probably other rules in the like...
Thinking about a calendar, here's a proposal for fitting all the contests in a whole year.
There's 52 weeks in a year. We normally take about 4 weeks out during the Holidays, so there's 48 left.
If we make 6 blocks of 6 weeks, this would make 36 weeks. We would like to take a week break between each block for several reasons.
- Preparing the list of games that will be played
- Preparing every set of rules correctly before hand
- Revealing the list of games to the forum in advance so the players have time to acquire the games before the contest.
Taking a week break between each block would make it to 42 weeks, which would give us 6 weeks left to organize whatever we want for the final tournament. Here's what we've thought about for the tournament: we set up the match-ups bracket style. Instead of trying to come up with a ranking system based on who scored the most points in the contests, we just randomly match people up against each other. With 6 block winners & 6 genre winners, it will give us 12 participants in the tournament. Basically, 6 participants will be eliminated in the first round of the tournament, leaving 6 for the second round. 3 participants will be eliminated in the 2nd round, leaving 3 people for the final round. Those 3 will play each other for the 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place icons. We could leave a couple weeks to prep for the tournament & then spend 3 weeks playing the tournament, one week for each round for a total of 5 weeks devoted to the tournament. We could also think about a way to get 16 participants to make it a 4 round tournament. Maybe a special reward for most devoted player, sportsmanship attitude, VIP player, generous donator (thinking about raising funds for prizes). All of this could be an option. Otherwise, we can handle 12 participants with a final round between 3 players.
Another thing we discussed was doing prizes for the 1st, 2nd, & 3rd place winners of the tournament. Here's what guillavoie proposed about prizes:
"We could definitely prepare prizes for the top winners. It is not necessary, but if we want to go through this, I'd suggest that we handle this with full transparency. We could ask for donation, but I think the best bet would be to only accept money donation. This way, we would be able to easily keep track of how much we got and show that we spent it entirely into prizes. If we're going to do prizes, we better do prizes only for top players (1st - 2nd - 3rd), and maybe a few small prizes given randomly to reward participation.
The winning prizes, if possible, should be brand new stuff. Homebrews and Repros are a good bet. Most people don't own them, and it has a stable value partially standardized. I don't like the idea of giving away used stuff. It meant a lot of work to make sure everything works properly, and it might involve cleaning procedure. With NIB thing bought with donation money, we know for sure where the money came and how it was spent.
Maybe we could contact RetroUSB and try to get a discount for making an order entirely dedicated to the NA contest. Maybe we could use their name somewhere in the contest like sponsors do. I don't know what bunnyboy might think of this, but it does not hurt asking. There's also other members here that deal with repros like coinheaven."
If prizes could tun out to be too problematic, we could just skip this.
As for games we will play this year, I like all the ones guillavoie suggested above. Here are some games I think we should consider playing this year and the genre they would fit best in:
Adventure Island 2 - platformer
Burger Time - arcade
Dr. Mario - puzzle
Gyruss - shoot 'em up
Jackal - shoot 'em up
Ninja Gaiden - platformer
Rad Racer - sports/racing
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles 2 - beat 'em up
a pinball game (Pin Bot, High Speed, Rollerball, or Pinball) - arcade
If anyone has any suggestions, please feel free to post them here. We want to start the contests on January 15, but if we have to push them back one more week to January 22 to make sure everything is perfect, then that's fine.
My NES collection count: 757 games (16 to go for a full set)
Latest Purchase(s): Snow Brothers
"Wait...Bimmy and Jimmy?? How'd they make a mistake like this!? Bimmy isn't even a real name!"
Beware the Bimmy Marsh!
Proud owner of post #2000, #2900, and #3800 in Inner Circle HQ thread
- You can't win two blocks during the year. Once you won a block, you can play for fun but your score is not counted in the leaderboard.
WTB: Please help me find the following items
Hurricanes and Super Copa Boxes
- You can't win two blocks during the year. Once you won a block, you can play for fun but your score is not counted in the leaderboard.
WTB: Please help me find the following items
Hurricanes and Super Copa Boxes
"Meeting internet dudes is what being a dude on the internet is all about!" ~OSG