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Optimal settings for the SNES in Framemeister:

Feb 15, 2015 at 5:43:22 AM
Firebrandx (7)
(Wolff Morrow) < Meka Chicken >
Posts: 906 - Joined: 10/31/2012
United States
So after a couple days of experimenting with the various features and modes in the XRGB-mini Framemeister, I've zeroed in on the optimal settings for SNES output to an HDTV.

First, I'm using an original SNES model console with the last motherboard revision of 1-CHIP-03. While these units have by far the cleanest picture quality, the CSYNC signal isn't connected to the multi-out port. I had to do a single-wire soldering job to activate CSYNC on the motherboard. The method is illustrated here:

WIth that done, I opted for retro-console-accessories coaxial upgraded JP-21 CSYNC SNES RGB cable. This is of course hooked into my Framemeister via the supplied adapter that comes with the Framemeister. From there, I have the Framemeister hooked into my Sony 55-inch LED LCD TV via HDMI.

So here are my findings about the best picture you can get with this setup on the SNES:

1. Whether you prefer scanlines or not, I don't recommend using 1080p output mode in the Framemeister. This is because there are vertical scaling artifacts (i.e. the pixels are not uniformly displayed on the vertical axis). The only solution is to use "Smart_X2" in the "Screen-Set" options, and this will give perfectly scaled pixels. However, the aspect ratio is too wide and the overall image doesn't use a whole lot of the screen. You'll be playing with thick black borders all around in addition to the aspect ratio being inaccurate.

2. So the trick here is to use the "720_60p" output setting under "HDMI_Ouput". This not only allows for uniform scalines if that's your thing, but it also gives the appearance of perfectly scaled pixels at a correct 4:3 aspect ratio for the SNES. The cost is very slightly less crisp-looking edges due to the signal being upscaled by the TV from 720 to 1080. Defintely worth the trade-off for uniform scaling appearance.

3. For the SNES, turning "Auto_Scaler" to Off and setting "H_Scaler" to 5 instead of the default 6 slightly improves sharpness.

So here are the major settings you'll need to make on the Framemeister based on my conclusions:

Image_Mode: Game_1 (or 'Meister' if you prefer scanlines)
Aspect_Ratio: Auto
Screen_Set: Standard

                        Sync_Mode: Auto
                        Auto_Scaler: Off
                        H_Scaler: 5

Output_Mode: HDMI
HDMI_Output: 720_60p

Edited: 02/15/2015 at 05:47 AM by Firebrandx