Originally posted by: Br81zad
Originally posted by: Quaze
Originally posted by: CluelessBrownnoserMod
iEt'S kEeP tHe YoUtUbE vIdEoS oN yOuTuBe
Yeah great job bud, you're doing the Lord's work. And you guys wonder why all the good members here are disappearing in droves and everyone from the site staff that anyone trusts here are abandoning their posts, being replaced with you fuckin' shills. Again I say GREAT JOB
You're a day late and a dollar short, mang. This has already been sorted. A single mod pulled it due to a misunderstanding of directive. It was addressed (in private) and agreed that the majority of us weren't comfortable with that type of censorship. On the bright side, because of the incident, the mod squad as a whole has a clearer picture of what is expected. And censorship is NOT one of those expectations.
That's uhhh....a misuse of that turn of phrase. I think it's NA who is a day late and dollar short on this one, you're the ones who lost something over it lol.