Originally posted by: qixmaster
Originally posted by: Ladybug-pug
Originally posted by: qixmaster
being a one off on the gyro, i'm happy they didn't give it a grade. i think it's much like the duck hunt test cart from a test center... when they had to test the zapper on a game, they had duck hunt.... when they had to test rob, they needed gyromite. not sure how they were produced... but like Mark, I feel that since it's the only one confirmed at this point that it's kind of a slippery slope for authentication purposes. i'm sure it's real, but how do THEY know this particular one is a legitimate? i love VGA, don't get me wrong and i'm happy for you... but grading this particular test cart, in this instance just doesn't make sense to me...at least not when it's the only confirmed copy. being that it is so unique, some language of it's origin would be nice.
but regardless, it's very very nice
VGA sticks it's name and reputation on it when they call something legitimate. If VGA calls it authentic it's as authentic as anything else they case and grade. If they were less sure, it would have come back rejected due to lack of evidence. They get my money either way so there is no incentive to call it authentic if they are 75% sure instead of 99.999%
don't get me wrong, i love vga - but this particular game, it could have been better off had they not touched it until a little more was known. i can't think of any other game, other than the new and weird sharedata chiller or the wally bear agci that, personally, I don't think should be graded until more is known. just my opionion and i absolutely love vga and what they do for the hobby. there are just those dark horses in any hobby.
what type of evidence did they use to authenticate gyromite? just curious, not arguing.