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Feedback Changes A few ideas, need your opinions...

Mar 10, 2009 at 4:09:14 PM
dangevin (219)
(Dan Langevin) < Wiz's Mom >
Posts: 12131 - Joined: 08/17/2006
Think of feedback less as a log of all transactions you've made, and more of an account of your individual references.

Sam, you have eight people who can personally vouch that you're reputable. That seems pretty good to me.


Mar 11, 2009 at 1:15:42 AM
Dr. Morbis (30)
(Basil T) < Kraid Killer >
Posts: 2320 - Joined: 10/04/2006
Originally posted by: modusco

^^^ Isn't this how ebay works also? Doesn't seem stupid to me... seems standard.

That's how eBay operated for over a decade, but now multiple feedbacks from the same member count there, providing they are at least a week apart.


My mantra, as worded by SamSpade on 06/12/12:
I don't resell to fund my collection, I don't treat this hobby like a second job, I don't care if my collection is worth ten bucks or ten thousand because I never plan on selling it. Seriously, what does the value have to do with anything if you never plan on selling? Speculation doesn't mean jack shit to me at this point, I just want to play my nes games...