Hello everyone and welcome to the latest installment of the Weekly Contests! Who likes NES games that are mega-awesome? Well, this week's game is full of mega-awesome stuff, like mega-cool graphics, mega-rad weapons, mega-many enemies, mega-fun stages, mega-sweet music, mega-mega bosses, mega-challenging stages, a mega-neat hero, a mega-eyebrow-wiggling bad guy, and too many mega mentions by yours truly, Bimmy Man (or maybe Mega Bimmy is more appropriate). Anyway, there's mega-robots, mega-health pellets, mega-extra lives, mega-energy pick-ups, a mega-yashichi pick-up, mega-dumb-looking label art, one mega-bit of memory....AHHHHHHHHHHHH! There's so much mega that there's mega on top of mega on top of mega! There's so much that I'm, like, mega freaking out! Are you sick of reading the word “mega” yet? Mega, mega, mega, mega, MEGA! Okay, enough mega-talk and time to get down to the mega-rules for the ultimate mega-experience in mega-NES gaming...Mega Man. Here are the rules:
Get as far in the game as possible
The lowest score takes precedence in the event of a tie (ex. If two people beat the game, who ever had the lower score takes precedence in the standings)
Play until Life "0." You are allowed to play on Life "0" so it will be easier to determine how far participants get in the game. Scores will not be accepted on the Game Over screen. You must take your picture before you get a Game Over. Play it safe and capture pictures of your score as you prgress through your last life.
You must play the stages in this order: Bomb Man, Guts Man, Cut Man, Elec Man, Ice Man, Fire Man. Anyone suspected of not playing in this order will have their score disqualified.
The use of the "pause trick" to safely kill enemies, bosses, progress through the game, etc. is strictly forbidden. Anyone suspected of using this trick, or any other trick in the game that can help them bypass enemies, bosses, parts of the game, etc., will have their score disqualified.
It is forbidden to farm for extra lives, health, energy capsules, etc. by scrolling the screen.
Re-entering stages is strictly forbidden. If anyone does this as an alternative to playing through parts of the game to make it look like you played all the Robot Masters, you will be banned from further competition.
If you beat the game, take your picture quickly after Dr. Wily has been defeated. Be ready to take your picture.
Video proof of a score may be asked for at any time for any reason for this contest.
Furthest progression with the lowest score wins
Participation: Get to Guts Man's stage
GENRE: Action/Platformer
The contest ends Sunday, 4/29/18 at 11 PM NA time. Your user name MUST be written or typed on a piece of paper and be in the picture for your score to be valid. The entire TV screen, or computer monitor if you are playing on an emulator, MUST be in the picture for the score to be valid. No partial screenshots will be considered or accepted. No screenshots by hitting "print screen" on a computer will be allowed. You must take a picture of your computer monitor. There may be instances where this will be acceptable, but it will be at the discretion of myself and the contest organizers. Also, the use of turbo controllers is forbidden, as well as any cheat codes, Game Genies, slow motion functions, or save states if playing on an emulator. Also, we will only be using NTSC systems for the contests. The use of PAL systems will NOT be allowed. Good luck everyone and have fun
My NES collection count: 757 games (16 to go for a full set)
Latest Purchase(s): Snow Brothers
"Wait...Bimmy and Jimmy?? How'd they make a mistake like this!? Bimmy isn't even a real name!"
Beware the Bimmy Marsh!
Proud owner of post #2000, #2900, and #3800 in Inner Circle HQ thread