Ha, he did. Not sure why he wants to delete either, especially with "See y'all in V2 hopefully."
From a technical standpoint, seems like a simple-ish SQL script could take care of anything anyone cares about (change username in a non-sunglasses way, change all posts to something like "this user has elected to pseudo-delete his/her account.") But I appreciate being able to still see usernames and posts when a user is banned.
It sucks when someone deletes or edits a post, because then the conversation might stop making sense forever. So maybe the SQL could just change their name (and I guess references to the username if the user was Quoted) to a generic "[deleted]" username, so that it's indistinguishable from other deleted users, nice and anonymous. And leave the actual posts alone. As for PMs, that feels a lot like email, and you can't delete an email that someone else has already received. But I've PM'd my address to lots of you guys, including a3quit4s, and I guess it would be nice if the theoretical future Hackerman didn't have access to that. Especially if Hackerman is located near me and likes Game Boy games.