NintendoAge -Sqooner How Many Game Boy Games Can NA Beat in 2017? 2018-01-01T00:42:08 -05.00 captainolimar 247
Splain in second!

thanks so much for all the fun guys, really didn't get to play as much as I'd have liked but I hope you all had fun!!!

Also lobbying for a small import section for next year let me know if that's possible for whoever will run it next year!! ]]>
How Many Game Boy Games Can NA Beat in 2017? 2017-12-31T16:38:13 -05.00 captainolimar 247 Originally posted by: Splain

Maaan, how do you avoid the stupid birds in Cliffhanger?
Pff thats the LEAST of the games problems.  But just punch, or dodge.  Its really not hard at all, but maybe because im used to the NES version.  The platforming if anything you have to get used to, and being able to jump over to platforms that you cant see in front of you. 

How Many Game Boy Games Can NA Beat in 2017? 2017-12-31T14:47:01 -05.00 captainolimar 247 How Many Game Boy Games Can NA Beat in 2017? 2017-12-31T08:18:30 -05.00 captainolimar 247 How Many Game Boy Games Can NA Beat in 2017? 2017-12-25T01:03:06 -05.00 captainolimar 247 Daedalian Opus. I'd been working on it for a long time on my phone, and I decided to get it finished before the end of the year. I've started a couple other games this year that I definitely won't get back to in time, I may just restart them for next year. Here's Daedalian Opus trying (and succeeding) to be super cool. ]]> How Many Game Boy Games Can NA Beat in 2017? 2017-12-20T08:32:09 -05.00 captainolimar 247 Donkey Kong Land and Donkey Kong Land 2 ]]> How Many Game Boy Games Can NA Beat in 2017? 2017-12-18T17:05:59 -05.00 captainolimar 247 Ishido: Way of Stones. It's kind of like playing Aces Up on Solitaire Fun Pak, in that once you figure out the basic strategy, you just apply it on game after game until you get lucky enough to win. Aces Up takes more tries though. I like how Ishido makes full use of every pixel on the GB screen. ]]> How Many Game Boy Games Can NA Beat in 2017? 2017-12-14T11:10:04 -05.00 captainolimar 247
How Many Game Boy Games Can NA Beat in 2017? 2017-12-12T13:49:29 -05.00 captainolimar 247 Monopoly. You can really dive into the menus and find all the nitty-gritty functionality of the board game. ]]> How Many Game Boy Games Can NA Beat in 2017? 2017-12-05T11:26:44 -05.00 captainolimar 247 Originally posted by: Splain

If nobody minds, I'm gearing up to run this thread for 2018. I'm more than 95% of the way through the GB library, recording completion requirements for each game. I want to run it like the other threads, where games are worth more points based on previous years' completions. I'm already spreadsheeting data from previous threads because I'm a huge nerd. The more I dig into the GB library, the more I see how many great games (and sure, how many dogs) there are, and I want to help strengthen the ol' grey brick's presence on NA. I sure don't mind! I'm sorry I've dropped the ball on this one this year. I'm at a time in my life where I have almost no time for videogames. Finishing up my last semester of college, working, looking for a full time job etc. 

Maybe next year without running the thread I could maybe beat a few games, we will see.... 

