NintendoAge -Sqooner Metroid Prime 3 Corruption Wii 2007-09-13T19:26:40 -05.00 NationalGameDepot 8 I am pondering playing the game over again on a harder setting this time. If I do I will glady send you some.
~~NGD ]]>
Metroid Prime 3 Corruption Wii 2007-09-13T18:13:56 -05.00 NationalGameDepot 8
You should hook me up with some friend vouchers so I can unlock all of the galleries and extras! ]]>
Metroid Prime 3 Corruption Wii 2007-09-13T18:09:15 -05.00 NationalGameDepot 8 ~~NGD ]]> Metroid Prime 3 Corruption Wii 2007-09-13T16:52:53 -05.00 NationalGameDepot 8
78% items

Hyper Mode Difficulty unlocked (not sure if you get this by beating the game or not anyways...) ]]>
Metroid Prime 3 Corruption Wii 2007-09-03T01:29:20 -05.00 NationalGameDepot 8 Metroid Prime 3 Corruption Wii 2007-09-02T17:57:27 -05.00 NationalGameDepot 8 ~~NGD ]]> Metroid Prime 3 Corruption Wii 2007-09-02T02:18:48 -05.00 NationalGameDepot 8 Metroid Prime 3 Corruption Wii 2007-09-01T04:12:57 -05.00 NationalGameDepot 8 NGD
79% Complete
19:08 Hours

After 4 days of power through I finally beat Metroid tonight. Why I haven't been on the forums much in the last few days. Such a treat and a great game. I enjoyed it more than any game I have played in a long time. It caps off the series nicely. Everyone posts there scores or thoughts about the game in this thread. Also a great place to ask if you get stuck.
~~NGD ]]>