NintendoAge -Sqooner I hate game horders/I'm an angry gamer 2014-01-11T22:46:44 -05.00 Astor Reinhardt 45 I hate game horders/I'm an angry gamer 2014-01-11T22:42:32 -05.00 Astor Reinhardt 45 Originally posted by: deathrock83

Originally posted by: GirlGamer55

^ See that's the stuff people need to be posting. Helpful and friendly. Like my mom likes to say If you don't have anything nice to say, then don't say anything at all. I was quite clear in the OP I was VENTING. I needed to get some shit off my chest to relax...everyone seems to have forgotten that. The point of my post was to VENT and if it sounded like I was what? I was VENTING. Get over it and stop bringing it up people.

I'm 22. If you had bother to read the post you could have seen I said I dropped out of high school and grew up on the NES. That doesn't leave a lot of options for age now does it?

Okay, first off, saying shitty things is the same as being a smartmouthed little puke. The tone turns people off, regardless of whether or not you think you're being funny or whatever. I would definitely know from experience here. Second, I grew up on the NES and am 30. So that doesn't help to narrow down your age. The only thing that does do that is the way you present yourself. Dropping out of high school has nothing to do with anything.

ETA: Take as long as you need. I have the entire weekend off so I'm not going anywhere

I'm not trying to be funny if you actually read what I was saying you would see I said over and over and over again to get through your thick skull, that I was trying to VENT. Tell me, do you know what that means? It means getting something off of ones chest, to make them feel better. Like going to a therapist and talking. That's what I was trying to do, just let some steam off so my blood pressure doesn't go spiking up again. Which sadly you're making it spike by being so fucking retarded. I really don't know how else to say that I was VENTING and it shouldn't have been such a problem with everyone. I thought I was dealing with smart people here. Obviously everyone who didn't just say welcome and maybe give a few little words like RegularGuyGamer, jfreakofkorn, Jig, sadikyo, m308gunner, Slayter, pujolsfan, USFLegend, enysse, fsped09, JD, Holy-SNES, DoctorNick, B.A, and snoopy101...aka you and ProtoScott  are assholes. You two are the ONLY ones on the thread who didn't get IT. I mean....I really do not get how you two can just jump in and be dicks to a new person. All you two had to do, was see I was letting off steam, ignore it, and say Welcome. That it.

As for the age the NES came out in 1985...I grew up on it, which could mean mid 80's to early 90's. I dropped out of High School so 15-20, I was sort of leading the story in the way that me dropping out happened not that long ago. But it's a small age group and it doesn't include the age of a forth grader. But what did I expect from an asshole.

I'm done with this thread, If an Admin could lock it please? I'm tired of talking to someone who doesn't use their brain.
I hate game horders/I'm an angry gamer 2014-01-11T20:47:46 -05.00 Astor Reinhardt 45 Originally posted by: GirlGamer55

^ See that's the stuff people need to be posting. Helpful and friendly. Like my mom likes to say If you don't have anything nice to say, then don't say anything at all. I was quite clear in the OP I was VENTING. I needed to get some shit off my chest to relax...everyone seems to have forgotten that. The point of my post was to VENT and if it sounded like I was what? I was VENTING. Get over it and stop bringing it up people.

I'm 22. If you had bother to read the post you could have seen I said I dropped out of high school and grew up on the NES. That doesn't leave a lot of options for age now does it?
Okay, first off, saying shitty things is the same as being a smartmouthed little puke. The tone turns people off, regardless of whether or not you think you're being funny or whatever. I would definitely know from experience here. Second, I grew up on the NES and am 30. So that doesn't help to narrow down your age. The only thing that does do that is the way you present yourself. Dropping out of high school has nothing to do with anything.

ETA: Take as long as you need. I have the entire weekend off so I'm not going anywhere ]]>
I hate game horders/I'm an angry gamer 2014-01-11T20:23:15 -05.00 Astor Reinhardt 45 Originally posted by: B.A.

Originally posted by: GirlGamer55

So far not seeing any cheap deals like people keep telling me I'll get if I buy from game forums...I mean I've talked to a few people about their games and their prices are the same as Ebay...and I feel safer buying off of Ebay.

People aren't going to sell items for significantly less than they could easily get elseware to someone they don't know just because they are on a forum. You can usually get stuff for about eBay prices minus the approximate 10-15% fees. Once you get to know people (and they like you) you will probably find better deals. Welcome to the site and good luck! Eta: you will get the same buyer protection with PayPal buying from someone here as you would eBay.

^ See that's the stuff people need to be posting. Helpful and friendly. Like my mom likes to say If you don't have anything nice to say, then don't say anything at all. I was quite clear in the OP I was VENTING. I needed to get some shit off my chest to relax...everyone seems to have forgotten that. The point of my post was to VENT and if it sounded like I was what? I was VENTING. Get over it and stop bringing it up people.

I'm 22. If you had bother to read the post you could have seen I said I dropped out of high school and grew up on the NES. That doesn't leave a lot of options for age now does it?
I hate game horders/I'm an angry gamer 2014-01-11T12:02:12 -05.00 Astor Reinhardt 45 Originally posted by: deathrock83

Originally posted by: Foochie776

I think that was your Zinger Mr. Rogers.

Why thank you, Mr. Rogers

Oh your welcome...... Mr. Rogers ]]>
I hate game horders/I'm an angry gamer 2014-01-11T11:50:18 -05.00 Astor Reinhardt 45 Originally posted by: Foochie776

I think that was your Zinger Mr. Rogers.
Why thank you, Mr. Rogers

I hate game horders/I'm an angry gamer 2014-01-11T10:31:06 -05.00 Astor Reinhardt 45 Originally posted by: deathrock83

Originally posted by: GirlGamer55

Originally posted by: ProtoScott

Im surprised that your vibrant and warm personality isnt making people feel encouraged to offer you deals. I know if I were a seller on here id be eager to help out someone who has been so accepting of other peoples video game practices.

And I'm surprised how sarcastic people can be on the internet....>.>

You don't like it? Tough, keep it to yourself. I know i'm not miss shits out sunshine and lollipops, so what? It's my opinion.

You must be the baddest ass gamer in the fourth grade.

I think that was your Zinger Mr. Rogers. And a big ol' LOL to arguing on the internet. This thread was well worth the read! Gotta love the people who just show up and start the whining! ]]>
I hate game horders/I'm an angry gamer 2014-01-11T10:03:34 -05.00 Astor Reinhardt 45 I hate game horders/I'm an angry gamer 2014-01-11T08:29:08 -05.00 Astor Reinhardt 45

I think the above article relates to this. Snes games went from being $59.99 to near worthless and now some carts go for $10-$15 (i've heard some carts go for hundreds of dollars). Whats worse is the FAT CATS (resellers making a few $$) are just SUCH bad people... Shame one some guy for trying to provide for his family.... LOL....Life really isin fair is it. I mean buying used and rare video games really is a necessity. Who needs milk, eggs and bread when you can have a mint E.V.O for snes.

I hate game horders/I'm an angry gamer 2014-01-11T06:17:28 -05.00 Astor Reinhardt 45 Originally posted by: GirlGamer55

So far not seeing any cheap deals like people keep telling me I'll get if I buy from game forums...I mean I've talked to a few people about their games and their prices are the same as Ebay...and I feel safer buying off of Ebay.

People aren't going to sell items for significantly less than they could easily get elseware to someone they don't know just because they are on a forum. You can usually get stuff for about eBay prices minus the approximate 10-15% fees. Once you get to know people (and they like you) you will probably find better deals. Welcome to the site and good luck! Eta: you will get the same buyer protection with PayPal buying from someone here as you would eBay. ]]>