NintendoAge -Sqooner A bad trend starting in B/S/T? 2009-09-16T23:30:45 -05.00 removed-07-06-2016 36 Originally posted by: nesguy

I'd like a little feedback from everyone to see if this is something that only annoys me, or others as well.

From a recent For Sale thread:
"Well, it looks like I may have to take these to the bay. "

1.  It's used in a threatening way, and appears to be used in a way to extort higher offers from potential buyers.  "Get it now before it's released to teh wilds of teh bay!" 

2.  Sellers aren't actually taking their items to ebay after saying they will.  I have seen a number of items resurface in FS threads a few weeks/months later that were supposedly going to end up at open auction.

3.  It makes the members of this board sound like we're either cheap or ignorant when it comes to pricing stuff.  It's as if by taking something to ebay, a seller could get what their item is actually worth, and they're doing us a favor by even bothering to list it here first.  If prices really are that much better on ebay, why is anyone bothering to sell stuff here to begin with?

4.  It's damaging to the community.  A number of people may not give two hoots about this one, but I for one am very happy when nicer items are bought and sold among the members here, at DP, and CTCW (and other gaming related sites).  As the saying goes, "Everything comes around again", but it'd be nice if it was encouraged that the best way to do that is to buy/sell through the boards.

Everyone member has a right to list and sell items however they want.  That said, it feels like a trend starting, and it ticks me off just enough to find out what others have to say on the matter.

Can't believe I missed this thread, damn I haven't been around much lately.  Either way, I have to comment on this so I'll try to keep it short and sweet.

1. You are completely misunderstood here.  Saying "taking these to the bay " is NOT trying to extort people, it's just the seller's way of relaying the message that "darn NA, you let me down".  You are only thinking of extortion here because you are mentioning an "offer" item.  What if I have a fixed price and then say "NA, don't make me take em to eBay "  Am I trying to get more money out of you?  Of course not, I'm just expressing my disappointment and taking my business elsewhere.

2. I've always taken my stuff to eBay when I say I will, so I can't comment here.

3. Well it's no secret, but the eBay user base is clearly much larger than NA.  It's not calling NA ignorant or cheap, it's simply taking the item to a marketplace with a much larger demand.  Price really depends on the item, and while you can obviously sell without any fees here, people also expect you to price under eBay because of this.  Why bother to sell here to begin with?  Simply because I feel morally obligated to as a member of the community, and I'd rather pass it to a fellow collector than some random off eBay.  But when push comes to shove, a dollar is a dollar and I'll take one from whoever wants to pay me.

4. Damaging to the community?  Eh maybe, but I'm not going to sell at a loss here when if I know for a fact I can make more money elsewhere.  The only exceptions would be selling to a friend (though I don't really keep up with hardly anyone), or someone who cut me a deal in the past.  There's a saying, "If you scratch my back, I'll scratch yours", and I believe in that 100%.  Just as taking something to eBay peeves you, I'd be pissed if I get a buyer on here expecting some sort of NA hookup simply because we're part of the same community.  Business is business no matter how you slice it.
A bad trend starting in B/S/T? 2009-09-10T09:48:43 -05.00 removed-07-06-2016 36 Originally posted by: CMR

One thing I've learned is that no one is stupid when it comes to money.  (except maybe me    )

You must not have read the news in the last couple of years...

A bad trend starting in B/S/T? 2009-09-10T02:51:12 -05.00 removed-07-06-2016 36    )
A bad trend starting in B/S/T? 2009-09-09T22:07:48 -05.00 removed-07-06-2016 36 A bad trend starting in B/S/T? 2009-09-09T17:15:06 -05.00 removed-07-06-2016 36 A bad trend starting in B/S/T? 2009-09-09T15:10:36 -05.00 removed-07-06-2016 36 A bad trend starting in B/S/T? 2009-09-09T13:59:19 -05.00 removed-07-06-2016 36
But overall, I don't really think this is a long-lasting trend, simply because it doesn't really work. I know who you're referring to and I think most find the tactics annoying (I know I do). As time goes on, people get smarter and will realize that doing business that way is sleazy. Who knows, maybe next time I see that, I'll simply edit the thread to say something like "*poof* sent to eBay by NA moderator!" ]]>
A bad trend starting in B/S/T? 2009-09-09T09:25:52 -05.00 removed-07-06-2016 36 Originally posted by: NationalGameDepot

Dan is right, I simply can't read all the threads and posts anymore.  There are just to many of them to keep track of all of them.  ~~NGD

A bad trend starting in B/S/T? 2009-09-09T09:03:43 -05.00 removed-07-06-2016 36 Originally posted by: nesguy

Originally posted by: arch_8ngel

To me, the B/S/T subforum is just business. The community happens on the rest of the forum.

That's an interesting idea, but one that I guess I would have a hard time being able to hold to. Someone like yourself has a very high post count but a lower feedback count. This suggests that you enjoy spending time talking and discussing, and not so much the "business" side of things. So to you, there is little community to be had in the B/S/T forum. For someone like myself, I have a higher feedback count but a lower post count. I spend a lot more time doing B/S/T than I do discussing; to me, there is a lot of community within the BST thread; it's just of a different nature, although I wouldn't go so far as to call it business. I have several members with whom I have established good relationships which are based around a mutual trust and respect in our deals. I can concede that on a very basic level, it's "just business", but it's become a lot more than that through time and good experiences, i.e. a community.
I have to agree with arch.  Bottom line business is business.  I have more posts and more feedback than anyone so I have a pretty good mix of both worlds I think.  Sure I cut close friends better deals, but that is because I want to.  But even if a close friend offers me way less than I am looking for I am going to turn them down.   At the end of the day we all want the most we can get for our stuff so we can buy more stuff.  I do think there is def a good community via the B/S/T section but if I can't come to terms with someone I am not going to hold it against them or think any less of them if they put it on ebay.  I do agree with you though nesguy, it all goes hand in hand, but finding the proper balance isn't always easy with so many people being around now a days.

Dan is right, I simply can't read all the threads and posts anymore.  There are just to many of them to keep track of all of them.  I am very guility of not reading all the FS threads cause most of them for other systems don't interest me at all.  That is also why we have a great moderator team to keep on eye on stuff.  There is no right or wrong answer on this one, I think it will  just have to work itself out.

A bad trend starting in B/S/T? 2009-09-09T00:30:26 -05.00 removed-07-06-2016 36 ]]>