NintendoAge -Sqooner What are the best NES Homebrews? 2017-12-23T12:49:56 -05.00 NESgopher 37   ]]> What are the best NES Homebrews? 2017-12-23T10:50:45 -05.00 NESgopher 37 What are the best NES Homebrews? 2017-12-22T11:56:54 -05.00 NESgopher 37 What are the best NES Homebrews? 2017-12-22T11:21:25 -05.00 NESgopher 37   ]]> What are the best NES Homebrews? 2017-12-22T07:17:36 -05.00 NESgopher 37
Super Bat Puncher Demo - inspired me to join nesdev and start rolling my own in the first place after many years of lurking. I't way above the majority of licensed titles in terms of quality and well worth your time despite being short. A demo implies it's not the whole game, but i guarantee it's well worth it. 
Mad wizard - clever platforrming puzzler. Pretty hard at first, but you feel accomplishment once you figure it out. Decidedly oldschool. 
Battle Kid 1 - great screen-by-screen platformer with well polished level design. gameplay is somewhere between megaman and knytt / knytt stories. Bosses are a real challenge who leave no cheesy strategies viable. You really need to figure them out, and react accordingly. 
Battle Kid 2 - more of the same fun, with added features and continued story from the first one. 
The Incident - A great sokoban puzzler. Levels are amazingly well crafted. 
Indivisible - Another freebie - an action platformer sporting lush graphics and smooth player character animation. It's also a port of a pc game demo. It's naturally rather short, but great eye candy. Kasumi's such an artist. 

Be sure to check out nebs n debs (full version still in development?) and twin dragons (for sale right now); two of the high-rankers from the last nesdev competition. 

I haven't gotten around to try any of the retrotainment games just yet, but everyone says they're the next level of holy goodness and they're high up on my to-buy list. 

na_th_an of Mojon Twins and Derek of Gradual Games just released a total of three games that has previously been on cartridge only for free as downloadable ROMs. That's very cool. If you like them, be sure to pick up a hardware copy aswell!
Nomolos - storming the catsle - scrolling platformer
Legends of Owlia - semilinear topdown adventure game that will remind you of startropics and the legend of zelda. 

Mojon Twins:
Super Uwol - timed "arcade platformer" - i remember playing this at some point but don't remember my impression, other than it was pretty direct and fun. 

If you're after hacks, on the other hand, i basically have two recommendations:
Metroid deluxe patch - the built-in minimap makes all the difference. Oh, and you can save your progress. 
nesrocks' super pitfall anniversary patch - better graphics goes a long way to make this game enjoyable.  ]]>
What are the best NES Homebrews? 2017-12-22T00:06:49 -05.00 NESgopher 37 Originally posted by: G-Type

A lot of them have playable demos... try them out on an emulator and buy the ones that you dig.

I have Haunted Halloween 85, 86, and The Incident, and they were all great! I plan to get more soon. Thanks so much for the love on the Haunted series!

So many good #8BitLegit games in the scene. 0-to-X, Lawn Mower, The Incident, Tailgate Party, Battle Kid 1 and 2, Vigilante Ninja II, Nomolos, Mad Wizard and many, many more. It is late. Brain is tired.

We have Full Quiet up for Pre-Order now and Beau has Spook 'o' Tron coming out soon. 

What are the best NES Homebrews? 2017-12-04T11:57:41 -05.00 NESgopher 37 What are the best NES Homebrews? 2017-12-04T10:02:01 -05.00 NESgopher 37
It was only ever a "demo", but it is one of the slickest homebrew games, still, to this day.

Another amazing demo was whatever that banana-throwing Zelda-like was called from the 7 day challenge a couple years back. ]]>
What are the best NES Homebrews? 2017-12-04T09:48:35 -05.00 NESgopher 37
Study Hall, The Incident, both Haunted Halloweens, Eskimo Bob, Owlia, Nomolos, both Battle Kid (if you like broken controllers), Mad Wizard, Rise of Amondus, NES Virus Cleaner, Black Box Challenge (Most of Sly Dog Studio's stuff is available on his site for free, but support the man if you can.), 0-X, Alter Ego (Free download), Star VS, Assimilate, Streemerz (free download of rom), Larry

I have also heard these are great but haven't play them yet. Not much of an RPG guy, so these are on the back burner.
Quest Forge, Swords and Runes

Ones that look promising to be released:
Spook o' Tron, Full Quiet, Twin Dragons

I probably missed a bunch. These are off the top of my head. ]]>
What are the best NES Homebrews? 2017-11-29T20:21:01 -05.00 NESgopher 37 Originally posted by: TheToxieRules

The Incident is the best one I've ever played, only NES game I own.

The Incident is a fun Sokoban game. Classic gameplay with somehow a deeper level. KHAN did some great version of Scramble and ET. Can you imagine? He made me find some charm to ET !!! He is a great guy and I shall encourage him until the end. ]]>