NintendoAge -Sqooner What are you reading? 2019-10-19T03:17:28 -05.00 viv5468 216 Originally posted by: SamSpade

I really liked Brandon Sandersons mistborn series. Kinda surprised sci fi channel hasnt adapted it or something by now. It's would be a very visually stylized film or series. The books themselves had a way of evoking strong action scenes in a way that I felt like I was watching the matrix or something while reading it. Excellent action storytelling. Halfway through Well of Ascension, and yeah, I'm reading these thinking "someone is working on making these into a film or series, right now."  It just makes too much sense.

What are you reading? 2019-10-19T00:17:41 -05.00 viv5468 216 What are you reading? 2019-10-18T19:45:39 -05.00 viv5468 216 Originally posted by: Daniel_Doyce

Sorry, that sounded a little dickish and I didn't mean it that way. If you're enjoying it then I shouldn't judge based on a random sentence. No offense taken. 

What are you reading? 2019-10-18T19:11:35 -05.00 viv5468 216
I'm slowly working through War and Peace. I'm studying for an exam at work so haven't had as much reading time as I would like. ]]>
What are you reading? 2019-10-18T18:55:37 -05.00 viv5468 216
Perhaps I should have picked a less mundane passage, but I felt like that would been more difficult to grasp out of context.  ]]>
What are you reading? 2019-10-18T18:49:55 -05.00 viv5468 216 What are you reading? 2019-10-18T18:05:03 -05.00 viv5468 216 Bob Honey Who Just Do Stuff, by Sean Penn
Very poetic, very dense. Penn likes to use alliteration. A sample:

With desert duty done, a return to house, home, and freshly cut green grass. Bob’s overseas endeavors generally allowed his Woodview lawn the overgrowth of non-violational neglect...

The younger Bob had treasured his chores and none more than the mechanized mission provided by the mower. He was always meticulous to the wheel line. No better groundskeeper anywhere in the San Joaquin valley. With mowing, Bob could be king of his own domain, and no domain ever had such a fine moment as that when the fragrance of fresh cut grass filled its air. On these occasions, he enjoyed the splendor of its focus facilitated by following the streetlight-shadowed edges as they caught lines luminescing levels between what he'd mowed and would mow. 

What are you reading? 2019-10-18T13:49:47 -05.00 viv5468 216 What are you reading? 2019-10-18T12:08:45 -05.00 viv5468 216 What are you reading? 2019-10-18T11:11:26 -05.00 viv5468 216 Originally posted by: SoleGooseProductions

Finally finished The Fellowship (Setsuna really got in the way of reading the past month!). Started Dracula since it is October and all. I'm not a fan of horror, but I've read and enjoyed Frankenstein and Dr. Jekyll, Mr Hyde, so I figured I'd give it a go. Maybe I'll get some game ideas out of it too   .

Loved Dracula. Just read it for the first time a couple weeks ago. It's fantastic! I liked it better than Frankenstein, though I enjoy both books. ]]>