NintendoAge -Sqooner Official Wii U Demo Kiosk Thread 2019-05-29T20:00:33 -05.00 dewisp02 493
Official Wii U Demo Kiosk Thread 2019-05-23T13:51:35 -05.00 dewisp02 493 Originally posted by: dewisp02

Added you, Flavor, to the kiosk list, but did not know all the info. Feel free to send me the missing info. 

  I've attached 4 photos of my kiosk.  It's definitely missing a bunch of parts.

I'm using it to show off our Freeplay Zero from at the moment.
Official Wii U Demo Kiosk Thread 2019-05-22T23:44:15 -05.00 dewisp02 493 Originally posted by: Flavor

I got the kiosk "fixed" using the Android app. I wish I had a good/easy way to re-fix it when the issue pops up again. Even with the Android app, I have to push some buttons on Android, then push one of the physical ones on the kiosk, and so on. It works, but it's not simple to explain to someone else, and I might not always be around when it acts up. Added you, Flavor, to the kiosk list, but did not know all the info. Feel free to send me the missing info. 

Official Wii U Demo Kiosk Thread 2019-05-22T19:28:36 -05.00 dewisp02 493 Official Wii U Demo Kiosk Thread 2019-03-20T23:12:58 -05.00 dewisp02 493 Originally posted by: Flavor

Originally posted by: SNESNESCUBE64
Originally posted by: Flavor

I picked up a Wii U kiosk a couple weeks ago. I decided to put a Freeplay Zero in it, and set it up at a local public space. It was all going great for about a week.

It looked like this:

Now, we can't seem to get the HDMI input to come back on. It just goes to this screen:

I think that I have an IR input/blaster style cable at home. I'll try that out.

I looked on eBay, and there are a lot of Element remote controls that are in the $6-10 range. Has anyone tried any of them? I'd love to have a remote there with the machine in case it does this again.

At GameStop, how did employees handle this sort of issue, or did it never come up? I can't get the thing to recognize HDMI at all at the moment. I'm REALLY hoping that the IR input and remote control deal actually works.
Ok, I actually had this happen to me and a few people online had this issue. This is what I commented on a question that I got on thingiverse of all places: 

"What you do, is undo the bezzle on the tv so you can see the ports, plug in an ir sensor, download an app called "Anymote Smart Remote" for android, set the remote to "element echs262". From there press the 3 button to open the input, then find the ok button (its different but i dont know which one), after you press that, it should stay that way. Check out the thread on nintendoage and you can read the back and forth me and another user had"


Thanks!  I actually saw that info at before posting here.  It's definitely good info.

I do want to fix it, but I _also_ want to have an actual remote in the cabinet, so other people can easily fix it when this happens again.  

Any idea if any of these would work?

A programmable remote is ideal. No clue if that one will work. ]]>
Official Wii U Demo Kiosk Thread 2019-03-20T23:10:25 -05.00 dewisp02 493 Originally posted by: SNESNESCUBE64
Originally posted by: Flavor

I picked up a Wii U kiosk a couple weeks ago. I decided to put a Freeplay Zero in it, and set it up at a local public space. It was all going great for about a week.

It looked like this:

Now, we can't seem to get the HDMI input to come back on. It just goes to this screen:

I think that I have an IR input/blaster style cable at home. I'll try that out.

I looked on eBay, and there are a lot of Element remote controls that are in the $6-10 range. Has anyone tried any of them? I'd love to have a remote there with the machine in case it does this again.

At GameStop, how did employees handle this sort of issue, or did it never come up? I can't get the thing to recognize HDMI at all at the moment. I'm REALLY hoping that the IR input and remote control deal actually works.
Ok, I actually had this happen to me and a few people online had this issue. This is what I commented on a question that I got on thingiverse of all places: 

"What you do, is undo the bezzle on the tv so you can see the ports, plug in an ir sensor, download an app called "Anymote Smart Remote" for android, set the remote to "element echs262". From there press the 3 button to open the input, then find the ok button (its different but i dont know which one), after you press that, it should stay that way. Check out the thread on nintendoage and you can read the back and forth me and another user had"


Thanks!  I actually saw that info at before posting here.  It's definitely good info.

I do want to fix it, but I _also_ want to have an actual remote in the cabinet, so other people can easily fix it when this happens again.  

Any idea if any of these would work?

EDIT:  I updated the eBay link, because it was broken before. ]]>
Official Wii U Demo Kiosk Thread 2019-03-20T20:10:40 -05.00 dewisp02 493 Originally posted by: Flavor

I picked up a Wii U kiosk a couple weeks ago. I decided to put a Freeplay Zero in it, and set it up at a local public space. It was all going great for about a week.

It looked like this:

Now, we can't seem to get the HDMI input to come back on. It just goes to this screen:

I think that I have an IR input/blaster style cable at home. I'll try that out.

I looked on eBay, and there are a lot of Element remote controls that are in the $6-10 range. Has anyone tried any of them? I'd love to have a remote there with the machine in case it does this again.

At GameStop, how did employees handle this sort of issue, or did it never come up? I can't get the thing to recognize HDMI at all at the moment. I'm REALLY hoping that the IR input and remote control deal actually works. Ok, I actually had this happen to me and a few people online had this issue. This is what I commented on a question that I got on thingiverse of all places: 

"What you do, is undo the bezzle on the tv so you can see the ports, plug in an ir sensor, download an app called "Anymote Smart Remote" for android, set the remote to "element echs262". From there press the 3 button to open the input, then find the ok button (its different but i dont know which one), after you press that, it should stay that way. Check out the thread on nintendoage and you can read the back and forth me and another user had"

Official Wii U Demo Kiosk Thread 2019-03-20T18:14:14 -05.00 dewisp02 493 Official Wii U Demo Kiosk Thread 2019-03-20T17:58:44 -05.00 dewisp02 493 Official Wii U Demo Kiosk Thread 2019-03-20T17:39:23 -05.00 dewisp02 493
It looked like this:

Now, we can't seem to get the HDMI input to come back on. It just goes to this screen:

I think that I have an IR input/blaster style cable at home. I'll try that out.

I looked on eBay, and there are a lot of Element remote controls that are in the $6-10 range. Has anyone tried any of them? I'd love to have a remote there with the machine in case it does this again.

At GameStop, how did employees handle this sort of issue, or did it never come up? I can't get the thing to recognize HDMI at all at the moment. I'm REALLY hoping that the IR input and remote control deal actually works. ]]>