NintendoAge -Sqooner "Classic Home Video Games 2015-01-04T21:50:08 -05.00 8bitgamer 2 Classic Home Video Games 1989-1990 has only been released hardcover so far (a softcover version will probably be out within a year or so), but it's out of print, meaning the publisher is not making them anymore. However, there are still some available on Amazon for just $38.34.

This is quite the bargain considering that hardcover versions of the first two books in the series are quite collectible, selling for big bucks on Amazon. Currently, the hardcover version of Classic Home Video Games 1972-1984 sells for a minimum of $256.66 while Classic Home Video Games, 1985-1988 sells for a minimum of $99.72. (Softcover versions are still in print and are considerably cheaper.)

I'm not suggesting you purchase Classic Home Video Games 1989-1990 as an investment (though that might not be a bad idea), but I am saying that if you want a copy, but have yet to hop on Amazon and get one, this would be a good time.

Thanks for reading! ]]>
"Classic Home Video Games" - UPDATE 2014-12-22T21:41:14 -05.00 8bitgamer 2 Hi Everyone,
I've been asked at shows and online the status of future books, so I thought I would post an update here. I also get a lot of writing questions from prospective writers, so I'll address that here as well.
I'm working on the fourth book in the Classic Home Video Games series, covering the SNES, Jaguar, 3DO, and CD-i, but it's still a ways off.
Meanwhile, the third book, covering the Genesis, TurboGrafx-16, and Neo Geo, has yet to appear in softcover (no date has been announced, not even to me), but there are some hardcovers still in stock on Amazon. There will be no more hardcover printings of the book, so if you haven't already, you might want to grab one before they're gone:
As many of you know, my latest video game book is The 100 Greatest Console Video Games: 1977-1987, which you can check out here:
I'm always happy to answer questions about writing, getting published, etc., but I've also written a book on the subject (digital only so far, but a paperback is coming soon, which you can check out here:
As always, thanks for reading!