NintendoAge -Sqooner Grading an opened but signed game 2019-08-20T14:53:05 -05.00 ProtonX 10 Grading an opened but signed game 2019-08-20T14:27:43 -05.00 ProtonX 10 Grading an opened but signed game 2019-07-10T00:39:20 -05.00 ProtonX 10 Originally posted by: OptOut

Originally posted by: Gloves

I just feel kinda bad cuz you're trading signatures you can view or even display for a little sign that is like "there's totally signatures inside this box, trust me".

Am I missing something here? If he got it graded it'd be put in one of the plastic cases and you could still see the signatures, right?

Yes, they would still be visible. I mainly wanted to do it as the game is mint and it would protect it more than just sitting on my shelf. ]]>
Grading an opened but signed game 2019-07-07T05:44:52 -05.00 ProtonX 10 Originally posted by: Gloves

I just feel kinda bad cuz you're trading signatures you can view or even display for a little sign that is like "there's totally signatures inside this box, trust me".

Am I missing something here? If he got it graded it'd be put in one of the plastic cases and you could still see the signatures, right? ]]>
Grading an opened but signed game 2019-07-03T15:09:34 -05.00 ProtonX 10 Grading an opened but signed game 2019-07-03T13:41:48 -05.00 ProtonX 10 Grading an opened but signed game 2019-07-03T13:32:37 -05.00 ProtonX 10 Grading an opened but signed game 2019-07-03T13:30:23 -05.00 ProtonX 10 Grading an opened but signed game 2019-07-03T13:28:03 -05.00 ProtonX 10 Originally posted by: ProtonX

Picked up a Nintendo game where the insert was signed by all the developers. Is is possible to grade something like this? Reached out to Wata a few weeks ago, but got no response... anyone have any ideas or suggestions?
The game and inserts can be graded and certified of course. If you can prove the dev team signed the insert they may add a note to the label. I say this because I was told at MGC they would grade my Tom Dubois signed carts I got at the show. It is certain Tom signed them.
Grading an opened but signed game 2019-07-03T13:12:30 -05.00 ProtonX 10