NintendoAge -Sqooner Rarest of Rares Cibs on ebay!!!! 2008-02-17T19:00:56 -05.00 michael242 174 Originally posted by: Braveheart69

Hehe... no on DK JR MATH I only have 2 CIB copies one of each known variant.

Code and no-code I presume?
Rarest of Rares Cibs on ebay!!!! 2008-02-17T18:48:19 -05.00 michael242 174 Rarest of Rares Cibs on ebay!!!! 2008-02-17T18:29:35 -05.00 michael242 174 ]]> Rarest of Rares Cibs on ebay!!!! 2008-02-17T18:10:49 -05.00 michael242 174 Originally posted by: Braveheart69
so when I have it sealed it's much easier to just put SEALED and move on... LOL Laziness prevails once again!

  Seriously I have always thought this was a great reason to buy sealed... why pay for shipping three times (cart, box, book) when you can just buy it all in one and be done and get all the inserts to boot.

Cool to hear that you're enjoying pal & variant hunting...  are you ever going to do snes?   There's a lot of good stuff there too and hardly any variants thank god..

Rarest of Rares Cibs on ebay!!!! 2008-02-17T18:09:26 -05.00 michael242 174 ]]> Rarest of Rares Cibs on ebay!!!! 2008-02-17T18:07:14 -05.00 michael242 174 Rarest of Rares Cibs on ebay!!!! 2008-02-17T18:02:14 -05.00 michael242 174 Rarest of Rares Cibs on ebay!!!! 2008-02-17T17:49:26 -05.00 michael242 174 So how are you finding collecting PAL and whatnot now that you're done. Happy with being done or looking for a new challenge? cheers ]]> Rarest of Rares Cibs on ebay!!!! 2008-02-17T17:46:33 -05.00 michael242 174 So Erik, you paid more than $6000-7000? Goddamn.


But Nick, compared to what you told me your snipe was I got a hell of a deal on it!  ]]>
Rarest of Rares Cibs on ebay!!!! 2008-02-17T08:52:48 -05.00 michael242 174 Originally posted by: Braveheart69

So let's say you got lucky and someone picked up a cart for $1,500 and Nick got drunk one night and sold his book to same person for $1,400
Yeah.....that's not happening

Does anybody have a Cart + Book copy besides me? I know Seth has the Book but no cart. Does anybody have a boxed copy but no Book? I'd love to have the Box but I'm not holding my breath. One day, I will own this game complete, though probably not anytime soon...after all, it has been 4 years since the last one popped up for sale (before this one).

So Erik, you paid more than $6000-7000? Goddamn.
