NintendoAge -Sqooner European SNES Game Codes 2012-07-16T19:22:20 -05.00 stevthethief 5 European SNES Game Codes 2012-07-15T04:10:15 -05.00 stevthethief 5 regardez los imagos

Other than that so far everything seems superb!
thank you so much! ]]>
European SNES Game Codes 2012-07-04T08:15:54 -05.00 stevthethief 5 European SNES Game Codes 2012-07-04T07:49:44 -05.00 stevthethief 5 European SNES Game Codes 2012-06-28T05:13:52 -05.00 stevthethief 5
I've just signed up here and wanted to add my collection of SNES games to "my collection" here but im stuck with this problem...
The "Code" Segment offers me only "DIS-" as first entry (which i dont have on any cart) and "SNS-" as second, but all my carts start of as "SNSP-", so there seems no proper way to input my codes :-(

Second problem would be the Region tag, for example my copy of Super Mario World reads "SNSP-MW-FAH-1", what kind of region is "FAH"? its not offered either
Another example would be my copy of "Plok", which has "SNSP-P4-NOE/SFRG", how would i input that?

I would be happy to hear some good suggestions!

Thank you for reading!

Ps.: photos of the carts in my collection :-) ]]>