NintendoAge -Sqooner Strange Super Famicom Cart? 2012-02-15T23:37:06 -05.00 Zwario 10 Strange Super Famicom Cart? 2012-02-15T20:53:18 -05.00 Zwario 10
In a way, I still think it's odd that they would copy the Label Exactly???, and Remold the back of the cart to say the exact same thing as the standard Nintendo carts??

I guess Pirates were a bit more edgy back then... Or maybe they thought they'd be safer if they put "Copyright Capcom" and "Product of Nintendo Corporation" on all of their Pirate Booty?

anywho, thanks again for taking the pics ]]>
Strange Super Famicom Cart? 2012-02-15T19:39:45 -05.00 Zwario 10

Sorry the pictures are blurry. I need to buy a new camera. I forgot to add that the PCB itself has Copyright 1990 Nintendo on the left hand side. ]]>
Strange Super Famicom Cart? 2012-02-15T10:18:26 -05.00 Zwario 10 (and the back of the cart is identical to other 1992 Super Famicom carts, with "Nindento Super Famicom" molded in)

Normally I would think that someone just swapped covers, but this one snaps together, no screws?

Thanks for everyone's input, this one has me baffled? ]]>
Strange Super Famicom Cart? 2012-02-15T09:27:01 -05.00 Zwario 10 Strange Super Famicom Cart? 2012-02-15T02:16:14 -05.00 Zwario 10 ). Very sad that it's one of the most common SFC games, though. ]]> Strange Super Famicom Cart? 2012-02-15T01:00:32 -05.00 Zwario 10 Strange Super Famicom Cart? 2012-02-14T23:44:01 -05.00 Zwario 10 Strange Super Famicom Cart? 2012-02-14T21:45:57 -05.00 Zwario 10 Strange Super Famicom Cart? 2012-02-14T20:58:58 -05.00 Zwario 10
I was looking through a few of my Super Famicom Carts, when I noticed that I have a Street Fighter 2 with "Notches" in the back of it (so it would fit into a SNES...?  
I also noticed that it does not have screws, but snaps together like a early Famicom cart

I know what you are thinking.... "dude, it's a pirate Super Famicom cart" but I don't think so, take a look at the pictures and tell me what you think,

