NintendoAge -Sqooner PAL NES -- SNES AC adapter compatible with each other? 2019-03-25T10:42:41 -05.00 Tyree_Cooper 3 Originally posted by: Last1Up

Yes they are cross compatible, I use them all the time with the other console, so there is nog problem.

+1 ]]>
PAL NES -- SNES AC adapter compatible with each other? 2019-03-21T11:53:05 -05.00 Tyree_Cooper 3 PAL NES -- SNES AC adapter compatible with each other? 2019-03-21T04:41:11 -05.00 Tyree_Cooper 3
Only difference I see is that NES says input is 220v, SNES says 230-240v. The rest of the specs are all the same. 

Thanks ]]>