NintendoAge -Sqooner Weirdest Glitches in any video game? 2011-12-14T15:52:03 -05.00 Zoso471 26 Originally posted by: Tanooki

I can think of a pathetic 100% reproducable crash bug in Indiana Jones and the Infernal Machine on N64. Long story short, Lucas the dick, pulled all but 1 guy off the game to finish Naboo for N64 for Christmas. Remaining guy was a producer but a jack of all trades, finished it best he could and tested too alone but forced to release a late beta and that game had 10000 copies only (7K were rental I bought one of the others.) I know all this as I met the guy at E3 2000 and talked for like 30min, felt bad for him.

A few stages in you got this level that will take like 30-45min to do and the last thing you do to finish is you have to get into this one man standing cart that goes over a ravine on a cable. One thing you need to do is move this big wooden crate, and there's room on each side to push or pull. Well if you do the logical easiest thing (push) the game crashes. The crate has to be moved 2 crate lengths over (A->B->C). If you push from A->B it dies as it locks into B position on my lame chart. But, if you pull to B, then come around and push to C, that's the only way to pass it without bombing the game. Took me 2 tries to test that sucker out and man I was pissed. Oh, game also, if you do play, save it like every 30-45min because usually about an hour into it more times than not, the game will slow down then crash hard to a rainbow colors spray of dots(like tv snow that doens't move) so bad reset button fails.

How's that for weird glitches?
Yeah, that IS a weird glitch. It's strange, I am a whopping HUGE fan of Infernal Machine, even bought a copy on N64, but holy cripes on toast is that game LONG... It feels like it takes 60 hours to complete it. It's very good but that's my only problem. I'm still bummed out in King Solomon's mines (second part I think), feels like an eternity down there. I'd love to find the strength of endurance to complete the whole thing on N64, but this glitch might put it over the top. Would be very interesting to see this... The only problems I'd ever have with Infernal Machine crashing went away after I cleaned both the cart and my N64's slot... Oh yeah, I find that bit at the top interesting about how Infernal Machine is like a late beta. I thought it was a very well crafted port (since Factor 5 and their awesome compression helped out)... Was this not the case? If it is a late beta, I must say it's VERY impressive. It plays just like the PC version, just the graphics aren't at as high a resolution.

Oh yeah, to anyone who wants to play Infernal Machine on N64, don't play it without the Expansion Pak, it'll burn your eyes.

Weirdest Glitches in any video game? 2011-12-11T16:02:07 -05.00 Zoso471 26 Weirdest Glitches in any video game? 2011-12-11T15:53:36 -05.00 Zoso471 26 Weirdest Glitches in any video game? 2011-12-11T13:45:45 -05.00 Zoso471 26 Weirdest Glitches in any video game? 2011-12-11T04:47:40 -05.00 Zoso471 26 Weirdest Glitches in any video game? 2011-12-11T03:58:55 -05.00 Zoso471 26
rygar glitches. ]]>
Weirdest Glitches in any video game? 2011-12-11T01:52:47 -05.00 Zoso471 26
Double Dragon - 1st lvl - think it's right before you go fight the main boss. Theirs a part where you're fighting 2 girls with whips and theirs a wall you can just climb up (by running to it).

world cup 94 soccer (sega genesis) - I played this game soooooo much as a kid and theirs a part of the field where if you hit the ball at a certain angle it will score a goal. The goalkeeper doesn't even move (cpu side) and if you hit it weak it can just slowy roll to the goal line too . hehe ]]>
Weirdest Glitches in any video game? 2011-12-11T00:36:38 -05.00 Zoso471 26 Weirdest Glitches in any video game? 2011-02-26T23:37:47 -05.00 Zoso471 26 Originally posted by: Count Dracura

How about Missingno and the 150 sixth item or Glitch City from Pokemon Blue/Red/Yellow?

Definitely, Missingno was the first thing I thought of. Also, there's that odd glitch where you can get Mew. ]]>
Weirdest Glitches in any video game? 2011-02-26T22:08:16 -05.00 Zoso471 26 Not sure if this is a reaccuring glitch or not.

Playing RBI baseball.  Pitcher started on 3rd.  I could actually pitch the ball toward the plate.  The pitcher could move towards the mound.  So I moved him a bit and pitched again.  Took a picture of it.

Another one was the pitcher is on the plate.
