NintendoAge -Sqooner N64 Blaster 2.0, RetroBlaster programmer 2.0 Pre-Order 2019-07-22T10:44:06 -05.00 Retrostage 5   excited to see what other systems may or may not be available in the future! I should probably learn to make repros with your normal boards too, but my hands aren't the steadiest for soldering and such   ]]> N64 Blaster 2.0, RetroBlaster programmer 2.0 Pre-Order 2019-06-22T19:14:05 -05.00 Retrostage 5 N64 Blaster 2.0, RetroBlaster programmer 2.0 Pre-Order 2019-06-22T18:57:05 -05.00 Retrostage 5 N64 Blaster 2.0, RetroBlaster programmer 2.0 Pre-Order 2019-06-22T18:48:07 -05.00 Retrostage 5
Use coupon code "blaster" when checking out to receive $20 off your purchase when you buy both the N64 Blaster 2.0 and the RetroBlaster 2.0 programmer. ]]>
N64 Blaster 2.0, RetroBlaster programmer 2.0 Pre-Order 2019-06-21T19:11:52 -05.00 Retrostage 5
I've finally finished the N64 Blaster 2.0 hardware revision, as well as the new hardware for the RetroBlaster programmer. I'll be opening them up for pre-order tomorrow at 5PM MST.

New features of the N64 Blaster 2.0 are:
- All CIC types integrated onto the board - select with a switch
- 4K and 16K EEPROM saves supported, select with a switch
- 64MB max ROM size supported
- 1Mbit max SRAM size supported (256Kbit implemented by default)
- Small form factor allows using original donor cartridges without modification

New features of the RetroBlaster programmer and software are:
- Adapter slot allows a variety of game cartridges to be used
- Easy firmware updates
- Faster programming times
- Allows backing up of Save files
- Allows dumping of original game cartridges
- Voltage selector to properly interface with different cartridges (5V or 3V)

More info for each, as well as pre-order info and pricing, can be found on my website:

I've added a video showing the new software and hardware off as well: