NintendoAge -Sqooner Want To Buy: NES Styrofoam Blocks And Game Baggies 2019-09-12T17:33:06 -05.00 bootload 5 Originally posted by: bootload

Oh, sorry. Do I just put everything into the subject line of one post? I was hoping to keep the conversation topics separate.
It's in the FAQ and to be honest, I don't know if that's set to be overhauled due to the new overlord. but here are the relevant bits:
Members must recycle a single thread for WTB/WTT lists instead of creating a new thread. One WTB/WTT thread per member per week is the limit. This will be loosely enforced at a moderator's discretion.
Members must post the terms of their WTB/WTT threads as clearly as possible and edit the original thread as needed when asked to provide clarification to these terms. The clearer the terms, the smoother the deals will go for everyone. This is one of the busiest areas of NintendoAge and is therefore patrolled the most, so new members will benefit from inspecting existing threads by established members to see what to do before posting.

Want To Buy: NES Styrofoam Blocks And Game Baggies 2019-09-12T16:23:34 -05.00 bootload 5 Originally posted by: bootload

Oh, sorry. Do I just put everything into the subject line of one post? I was hoping to keep the conversation topics separate. Dude. wanting original styrofoam blocks... holy moley.

Want To Buy: NES Styrofoam Blocks And Game Baggies 2019-09-12T16:13:50 -05.00 bootload 5 Want To Buy: NES Styrofoam Blocks And Game Baggies 2019-09-12T14:29:16 -05.00 bootload 5   ]]> Want To Buy: NES Styrofoam Blocks And Game Baggies 2019-09-12T13:54:31 -05.00 bootload 5