NintendoAge -Sqooner Can NA Beat Every NES Game In A Year - 2013 2014-01-01T17:51:35 -05.00 scaryice 1747 ]]> Can NA Beat Every NES Game In A Year - 2013 2014-01-01T17:19:18 -05.00 scaryice 1747 Can NA Beat Every NES Game In A Year - 2013 2013-12-31T21:58:47 -05.00 scaryice 1747 Originally posted by: bimmy_lee

Originally posted by: Red

A Nightmare on Elm Street and Chubby Cherub were both surprises for me. I recall reading a lot of complaints about them, but I thought they were both pretty good.

As for NES gaming not related to this thread, I beat TMNT and Ghosts N Goblins for the first time this year. I've had TMNT since I was a kid, but was never able to finish. When I replayed it, I was surprised how easy most of it was. Stage 3 always gave me a lot of trouble, but I have no problems getting through it now. I still had a lot of trouble with the final stage though.

I haven't played a lot of Chubby Cherub, but Nightmare on Elm Street is a pretty solid game.  It definitely has some flaws (it's so easy to take cheap hits from the enemies), but I really enjoy playing the game.

I beat TMNT for the first time back in 2011 and it was one I struggled with as a kid as well.  I could consistently get to the third stage, but could never make the jumps in the sewers and always got washed back to the entrance of the sewers/room.  It really isn't that hard of a game until you get to the last area of the Technodrome.  If you're loaded up with special weapons, the last hallway before Shredder isn't too bad.  If you don't have a lot of special weapons, you're likely to take a ton of damage.
My only problem with Nightmare on Elm Street was how your shots would randomly go through the enemies.  Other than that, I have no complaints.

The stage 3 sewers are where I had trouble in TMNT back in the day too.  I only got through them a few times before this year and I don't recall ever beating the Technodrome boss.
Can NA Beat Every NES Game In A Year - 2013 2013-12-31T21:15:37 -05.00 scaryice 1747 Originally posted by: Red

A Nightmare on Elm Street and Chubby Cherub were both surprises for me. I recall reading a lot of complaints about them, but I thought they were both pretty good.

As for NES gaming not related to this thread, I beat TMNT and Ghosts N Goblins for the first time this year. I've had TMNT since I was a kid, but was never able to finish. When I replayed it, I was surprised how easy most of it was. Stage 3 always gave me a lot of trouble, but I have no problems getting through it now. I still had a lot of trouble with the final stage though.

I haven't played a lot of Chubby Cherub, but Nightmare on Elm Street is a pretty solid game.  It definitely has some flaws (it's so easy to take cheap hits from the enemies), but I really enjoy playing the game.

I beat TMNT for the first time back in 2011 and it was one I struggled with as a kid as well.  I could consistently get to the third stage, but could never make the jumps in the sewers and always got washed back to the entrance of the sewers/room.  It really isn't that hard of a game until you get to the last area of the Technodrome.  If you're loaded up with special weapons, the last hallway before Shredder isn't too bad.  If you don't have a lot of special weapons, you're likely to take a ton of damage.
Can NA Beat Every NES Game In A Year - 2013 2013-12-31T21:10:32 -05.00 scaryice 1747 Originally posted by: WashYourFace

Originally posted by: bimmy_lee

- Completing Adventures of Lolo 2 for the first time. There were some stupid hard puzzles near the end of that one.

I'm definitely making that one of my goals to beat that game as soon as I can.
I just have to try and find it for a decent price.

It was a lot of fun and I'm sure you will really enjoy it if you haven't already played it.  The night I beat it for the first time, I think I played it for like two hours, and by the time I got to the last few difficult puzzles, my patience was wearing thin lol.
Can NA Beat Every NES Game In A Year - 2013 2013-12-31T21:06:27 -05.00 scaryice 1747
As for NES gaming not related to this thread, I beat TMNT and Ghosts N Goblins for the first time this year. I've had TMNT since I was a kid, but was never able to finish. When I replayed it, I was surprised how easy most of it was. Stage 3 always gave me a lot of trouble, but I have no problems getting through it now. I still had a lot of trouble with the final stage though. ]]>
Can NA Beat Every NES Game In A Year - 2013 2013-12-31T20:35:48 -05.00 scaryice 1747 Originally posted by: bimmy_lee

- Completing Adventures of Lolo 2 for the first time. There were some stupid hard puzzles near the end of that one.
I'm definitely making that one of my goals to beat that game as soon as I can.
I just have to try and find it for a decent price.

Can NA Beat Every NES Game In A Year - 2013 2013-12-31T20:28:41 -05.00 scaryice 1747 - Completing 50 NES games for the first time in 2013.
- Completing Adventures of Lolo 2 for the first time. There were some stupid hard puzzles near the end of that one.
- Completing 19 games on 1/1/13, the most I've ever completed in one day.
- Completing Metroid in one sitting with no deaths in about 3-4 hours (not sure how impressive this is, but I gave myself a pat on the back for it ) ]]>
Can NA Beat Every NES Game In A Year - 2013 2013-12-31T20:07:41 -05.00 scaryice 1747 Beating Legacy of the Wizard and Might & Magic
- it's frustrated me since I was about 17 that I never beat either of these
Beating Bubble Bobble using only 1 player the ENTIRE way through (even getting the crystal ball on level 99 by myself) except the final moment where you have to bring in the 2nd player to get the good ending
Figuring out how to beat L'Empereur

Can NA Beat Every NES Game In A Year - 2013 2013-12-31T19:54:08 -05.00 scaryice 1747
Also, in other NES news not related to this competition, I managed to complete a no-death Amagon speed run where I didn't transform into Megagon at all. I also got the world record speed run for StarTropics (although I only held it for a week or so). ]]>