NintendoAge -Sqooner Graphics editor and level editor 2013-03-31T11:53:54 -05.00 GradualGames 6
EDIT: I reupload it for you. ]]>
Graphics editor and level editor 2013-03-30T14:27:39 -05.00 GradualGames 6
Do you run your computer at an extremely high resolution? When I run both of them, the bottom is cut off and I didn't see any scroll bars to get to it (I run at 1366x768, I think it is). Seems like it's pretty neat-o overall though. I can only make the most generic of tools because of my lack of skills haha It's interesting seeing how people go about making different programs and how they make games. ]]>
Graphics editor and level editor 2013-03-30T12:36:44 -05.00 GradualGames 6 Graphics editor and level editor 2013-03-29T12:30:28 -05.00 GradualGames 6 Graphics editor and level editor 2013-03-29T10:31:50 -05.00 GradualGames 6 Graphics editor and level editor 2013-03-29T09:15:15 -05.00 GradualGames 6
Nomolos Editors

Much of these editors were written several years ago, and I would do a lot of things differently now. Despite that, they continue to save me time working on my games.

I release them without any guarantee that I will provide bug fixes or new features, or that they will help anybody else make a game. The graphics editor is hard coded to use 8x8 sprites for sprite projects, hard coded for my custom metasprite format, and has a lot of features more or less geared towards UnROM development. I've included a README.txt file with various "gotchas" about these editors. If you have any questions about the usage of these editors let me know here and I will update the README file. ]]>