NintendoAge -Sqooner Clear NES Shell 2008-11-13T13:12:52 -05.00 Only_None 27
Starbucks does the same thing with a $5 cup of coffee ]]>
Clear NES Shell 2008-11-13T13:10:25 -05.00 Only_None 27 Originally posted by: jaredkk

I aggree that it's overpriced, but I think you're way off saying its a "waste and pretty ridiculous".

It's just my opinion.

And as far as venom, Nathan, it's Xmas price gouging at its worst. It's one thing to want to get paid for one's work...
Clear NES Shell 2008-11-13T12:54:13 -05.00 Only_None 27 Clear NES Shell 2008-11-13T12:43:46 -05.00 Only_None 27 ]]> Clear NES Shell 2008-11-13T12:08:40 -05.00 Only_None 27 Clear NES Shell 2008-11-13T12:03:14 -05.00 Only_None 27 Clear NES Shell 2008-11-13T11:58:18 -05.00 Only_None 27
It actually looks pretty smooth and lets toaster lovers get a glimpse of the top-loader experience of seeing the game in the machine. ]]>
Clear NES Shell 2008-11-13T10:49:12 -05.00 Only_None 27 Clear NES Shell 2008-11-13T10:42:15 -05.00 Only_None 27 Clear NES Shell 2008-11-13T06:13:19 -05.00 Only_None 27 Originally posted by: dangevin

Why spend so much on this if it's essentially replacement parts? It's not like it's a nice paint of an original or a case mod, it's just a replacement part that happens to be different than the norm. That's like buying one of Bunnyboy's transparent cases and doing sticker-transplants for SMB3 and crap. None of us would consider that either collectible, or worth anything at all for that matter.

There's NO WAY this is worth a red cent more than any of Custom NES Guy's stuff, and IMO worth less than an original console. This is a solution for a beat-up cracked top or a missing door, NOT an upgrade. And it should be priced as such.

Might as well take 1/4 of that asking price (more like begging price), buy yourself a Messiah or FC Twin or something, and the rest on some GOOD games. I feel this is a waste and pretty ridiculous.

Plus you know he's making money selling all the doors off the systems he hacks the tops off of for this mod.

I aggree that it's overpriced, but I think you're way off saying its a "waste and pretty ridiculous".  I agree, it's not collectible, but it's more than just a replacement for a cracked or broken piece.  It looks cool.  It's a aesthetic upgrade.  It's in the same category as Custom_NES_GUY's stuff.  It snazzes up your NES.  I think they look great, although I wouldn't buy one unless they had a matching bottom piece as well. ]]>