NintendoAge -Sqooner Youtube Forum Catagory 2012-03-22T22:37:25 -05.00 del01 20 Originally posted by: TWarwick07

Originally posted by: linktothepastgaming

I guess I never noticed this until today.

But, let me just throw this out there to play devil's advocate, I suppose...

What if it were long-standing, well-respected members that were doing this? Is this more of a backlash against guys who, on the surface, just seem to be here to whore out their YouTube channel?

I love you tube and there is definitely a place for it , but it's all in how you go about promoting your self in the right place at the right time. it is so anti climactic to open a thread and just see a link with no explanation or story behind it. if there was a well writen post with a picture or 2 and a link to a video i might be more inclined to check it out
I think this makes allot of sence. I have noticed a turn around recently and guys are staring to do this.
That's something i can live with and I don't feel so ripped off.

Here's me when I open a finders keepers with only a youtube link,

Youtube Forum Catagory 2012-03-20T02:29:15 -05.00 del01 20 Youtube Forum Catagory 2012-03-20T02:00:52 -05.00 del01 20 Originally posted by: OSG

seems like the kind of thing that could just have a dedicated thread rather than a whole forum? Yeah, we have a dedicated thread over on Sega Age just for youtuber who are members. I didn't realize there wasn't a thread similar over here. I say that's the best way to go. Just my two cents.

Youtube Forum Catagory 2012-03-20T01:14:48 -05.00 del01 20 Originally posted by: linktothepastgaming

I guess I never noticed this until today.

But, let me just throw this out there to play devil's advocate, I suppose...

What if it were long-standing, well-respected members that were doing this? Is this more of a backlash against guys who, on the surface, just seem to be here to whore out their YouTube channel?
I love you tube and there is definitely a place for it , but it's all in how you go about promoting your self in the right place at the right time. it is so anti climactic to open a thread and just see a link with no explanation or story behind it. if there was a well writen post with a picture or 2 and a link to a video i might be more inclined to check it out

Youtube Forum Catagory 2012-03-20T01:14:35 -05.00 del01 20 Originally posted by: del01

Originally posted by: linktothepastgaming

What if it were long-standing, well-respected members that were doing this?

But it's not is it... doesn't that tell you something right there?
Yeah....I understand what you mean and that's what I was trying to say.

Kinda like the people here who don't post in any other category besides B/S/T and treat the community like eBay #2.

Makes sense and I agree with separating it somehow.

Youtube Forum Catagory 2012-03-20T01:08:04 -05.00 del01 20 Originally posted by: linktothepastgaming

What if it were long-standing, well-respected members that were doing this?

But it's not is it... doesn't that tell you something right there? ]]>
Youtube Forum Catagory 2012-03-20T01:05:29 -05.00 del01 20
But, let me just throw this out there to play devil's advocate, I suppose...

What if it were long-standing, well-respected members that were doing this? Is this more of a backlash against guys who, on the surface, just seem to be here to whore out their YouTube channel? ]]>
Youtube Forum Catagory 2012-03-20T01:02:10 -05.00 del01 20

Youtube Forum Catagory 2012-03-20T00:51:15 -05.00 del01 20 Everyone wants to be the next Ray William Johnson or Shay Carl and think they can make a living off of you tube ]]> Youtube Forum Catagory 2012-03-20T00:38:30 -05.00 del01 20
Not everyone wants to see a long winded slow video with chitchat on it, and others due to security blocks from work or school can't. Videos should be relegated to huge freaking finds where camera and text would do no justice or be more work than it's worth. I backed him on his post saying a bit more, and it turned of course into hurt feelings and a fight.

I think the issue with the youtubers as of late is that they really want attention and this is how they seek it because once you hit like 600 subscribers or something you feel like you've got this huge following and the more you spam the site every few days the more friends you'll make or something I guess.

I totally agree we need a stickied thread for youtube sharing videos where people don't want to just give us an image and some text with it. I mean, isn't it a lot easier to lay crap on a bed, snap a pic then go: Today for $xx I got these twenty games. ]]>