NintendoAge -Sqooner Dragon Quest 1, 2 and 3 out on Switch now! 2019-09-30T22:58:41 -05.00 Space Jockey 12 Dragon Quest 1, 2 and 3 out on Switch now! 2019-09-30T17:54:55 -05.00 Space Jockey 12 Dragon Quest 1, 2 and 3 out on Switch now! 2019-09-30T17:51:59 -05.00 Space Jockey 12 Dragon Quest 1, 2 and 3 out on Switch now! 2019-09-30T06:13:51 -05.00 Space Jockey 12
But SquareEnix has recently announced that they're planning on making ALL of their back catalogue available on modern platforms. So I am sure that there will be many more ports or maybe even remakes of older games from them.

As for the high price of DQ III I have to point out, that this game is huge! It's at least as big as DQ I and II combined if not even longer. My first playthrough took me well over 40 hours. In this game your only fixed character is the hero, i.e. your avatar. Instead you can recruit up to 3 characters each of which has a different class, like warrior, brawler, priest, mage, sage, merchant and thief iirc. They all have different stat gains obviously and learn different abilities as they level up. However, what made this game much more interesting was that your supporting characters can change their classes later on in the game! You can't do it as freely as in FF III and V, but it still offers a bunch of combination possibilities. Because after changing the class that character retains all of his previously learned abilities, his/her stats are halved and the level set back to lvl 1. Furthermore every character has a different personality that affects their stat growth and so on. It is a really deep and long game that is definitely worth more than the previous two games, imho. ]]>
Dragon Quest 1, 2 and 3 out on Switch now! 2019-09-28T14:28:15 -05.00 Space Jockey 12 Originally posted by: Gloves

Is there any way to play with the original graphics?

None that I have seen so far.  It was the first things I looked for.

After you select Venture Forth (new game) and pick your name, it goes right to the king at the start.  I went through all the menus after his speech and found nothing about graphics changes. ]]>
Dragon Quest 1, 2 and 3 out on Switch now! 2019-09-28T13:58:29 -05.00 Space Jockey 12
On the one hand I own all the NES games and have never actually played any of them aside from the original. I bought em to one day give em all a go, but the quality of life updates for Switch may actually make them not such a huge time sink for me, making it a bit more appealing.

On the other hand I really hate the art style of the updated versions. Looks like a mobile phone RPG (basically what they are). Square has released most or all of these on phone and at least at a glance that looks to be what we have here. Not mu cup of tea if so. I much prefer the 8bit graphics.

Is there any way to play with the original graphics? ]]>
Dragon Quest 1, 2 and 3 out on Switch now! 2019-09-28T13:34:40 -05.00 Space Jockey 12 Originally posted by: MuNKeY

Inot wery keen on the direction they went with the graphics but then again still a bit better than 8bit nes/fc I suppose. (I would had much rather they went like they did with the mobile ones personally)

I personally prefer the NES style graphics, but I can get used to this one in time.  The names of some characters are different as well which much be how they were named in the Japanese version.  The map seems a bit smaller, I'm getting to towns somewhat faster than usual.  Also, even with the fastest text speed option every battle still takes awhile to spam through the post battle dialogue.  Overall it is Dragon Warrior/Quest which I like, but it is definitely different.  maybe more akin to the Game Boy version where the characters had different values in xp/gold.  In the NES version for example the Gold Golem was only worth up to 200 gold pieces.  In this version he is worth up to 650 gold, although I think he has more health as well.  So it's faster to get the good gear.

Kind of different overall, kind of the same, worth the five bucks for me since i like DW so much.  I will probably pick up DW2 as well since it's only $6.49, but I'll have to see how I feel about DW3 since it's double the price of DW2.  Then I'm still debating on getting the physical release too.  So many choices... ]]>
Dragon Quest 1, 2 and 3 out on Switch now! 2019-09-28T12:52:25 -05.00 Space Jockey 12 Dragon Quest 1, 2 and 3 out on Switch now! 2019-09-28T09:40:03 -05.00 Space Jockey 12
Now they need to release IV,V & VI and I would't be opposed to VII and VIII as well and the Monsters series..and rocketslime....hell bring em all over! ]]>
Dragon Quest 1, 2 and 3 out on Switch now! 2019-09-27T23:34:31 -05.00 Space Jockey 12 Originally posted by: Brock Landers

Physical from playasia is coming too btw

That is good to know, thank you! ]]>