NintendoAge -Sqooner [Tech] NOAC MMC5 - FIXED 2015-07-12T15:11:04 -05.00 19rsn007 6 Originally posted by: CMR

Cool fix. Thanks!
It really is a cool fix that might give NOAC's some love.
I've played around with several NOAC's and I mst say that there is a difference in them.
I played CV3 on my frankenclone noac and the sound is really good, but on the NOAC I am playing in the video, there is a noticeable click in the sound (that's known as the duty cycle bug)

[Tech] NOAC MMC5 - FIXED 2015-07-12T14:55:28 -05.00 19rsn007 6 [Tech] NOAC MMC5 - FIXED 2015-07-12T09:14:38 -05.00 19rsn007 6 ]]>
[Tech] NOAC MMC5 - FIXED 2015-07-10T15:37:05 -05.00 19rsn007 6 It was sitting in my parts bin for ages, waiting for me to find something to do with it.

Then I was given a NOAC based famiclone that looks just like a sega Genesis/Mega Drive 2, but the board was ruined by water damage (it was covered in and eaten rust)
I liked the idea of having a famicom based system that was looking exactly like another system, I finally found a goal for that NOAC board.

Since it was only the bare board (no controller, power and AV), I had to find out for myself what pins had what I am reverse engineering that board.
So far I got the video and audio working and 1 controller input.
Then I found out that castlevania 5 wasn't working so I had to see if this could be fixed.
That involved diving in both the NOAC and the way the mapper works. (in this case MMC5)

Diving into this tech stuff really is fun to me.

You can follow my "FrankenClone" project here:

Btw....people are impressed of the composite video output my NOAC is producing right now:

[Tech] NOAC MMC5 - FIXED 2015-07-09T18:34:56 -05.00 19rsn007 6 [Tech] NOAC MMC5 - FIXED 2015-07-09T16:33:26 -05.00 19rsn007 6

Here you can see my Nes-On-A-Chip running castlevania 3.
I did it earlier on a 60 pins (FOAC) version, but today I took a 72 pins version and got that working as well.

Now there is another main issue in NOAC's I am wrecking my brain on and that's the fact NOAC's don't have CIRAM (2k ram inside the PPU). I wanna see if I can manage to add that externally.

Here's a link on the 60 pin version I am working on (my Frankenclone project)

for a followup on the frankenclone, see ]]>