NintendoAge -Sqooner Show off your custom NES consoles! 2013-08-13T05:48:28 -05.00 Shane 30 Originally posted by: videogamehunter

I guess I show off mine. Even though mine looks crappy.

I liked this one the best, at least conceptually, before I saw the AVGN signature on it (which I didn't see until you pointed it out).  I think it's one of the coolest ones on this thread.  It would be cooler, in some ways, if it were completed with a higher sense of quality in mind (I mean, his is a pretty well made NES Toaster top loader, so you'd think he'd have others that were a bit less ghetto), but then again, it would be less cool in a lot of ways as well.

Anyway, I liked it immediately, and I like it even better now that I see the sig.  There's no shame in your shouldn't be ashamed of it either.


Show off your custom NES consoles! 2013-08-12T23:38:54 -05.00 Shane 30 Show off your custom NES consoles! 2012-07-16T17:14:17 -05.00 Shane 30 Originally posted by: bearcat-doug

Originally posted by: zeldaboy


I bought both of these from customnesguy here, love his work. I am still tempted to get a custom N64, we'll see!



That's awesome! Now if I just had one of those with my Cincinnati Bearcats logo avatar on it...

Im in Cincy all the time.  I <3 Ikea (Well, I know its right outside Cincy =) ]]>
Show off your custom NES consoles! 2012-07-16T09:26:34 -05.00 Shane 30
I really like the lighting strike one. ]]>
Show off your custom NES consoles! 2012-07-16T07:44:00 -05.00 Shane 30

Show off your custom NES consoles! 2012-07-14T17:48:55 -05.00 Shane 30
  In all the time since, every time he thought about buying another NES, he thought, "But I already have one." Years later, he approached his cousin about getting his NES back, but his cousin repeatedly refused and in the passing years they became enstranged. My friend, Alan, said that he'd always wanted to get another NES because he had never completed the original Super Mario Bros. game but he just never got around to it. He mentioned that he had the Mario Bros./Duck Hunt combo cartridge.
  I decided to check out Craigslist to see if there was any NES consoles for sale, and right away I found a posting for the perfect package! It was the original NES with the power cord and cable cord, two controllers, Mario Bros./Duck Hunt cartridge and the light gun! Everything he had mentioned and for only $20! Needless to say, I went out that day and got it.

  The first thing I noticed was that the system and one of the controllers was very yellowed.  I didn't want to give it to him in that state so I posted in NintendoAge's Help forum and was directed to retr0brite. I thought it would be nice to remove the yellow but I didn't want to have to go out and buy all the supplies for the project. Instead I decided to paint the console.

  This idea (shown below) came almost immediately, with the vented stripe on the right being the inspiration for the design.  I spent another $10 on supplies but the results are well worth it.  I coated each piece of plastic with two coats of the color and two coats of a clear gloss spray. Soon after working on the console I decided to also paint the controllers and the design came easily.  I thought the yellow button at the bottom of the strap was a nice touch and then after painting it all, I felt I was still missing something. I ended up adding the M symbol at the end, which was done with white nail polish with my wife actually helping touch it up because it looked really sloppy when I did it. Also, while I had the console open, I went ahead and enhanced the connectors in the 72-pin slot so that the game reads every time.

  I'm going Home Teaching again tomorrow and I've packaged all this up in bubble wrap and packing peanuts inside a package addressed to my friend. The return address is Shigeru Miyamoto, 4600 150th Ave NE, Redmond, WA 98052 (hint: Mario's creator and Nintendo of America Headquarters). I'm super excited to give this one of a kind system and I think I enjoyed this much more making it for someone else rather than just for me.

Show off your custom NES consoles! 2012-02-22T13:10:42 -05.00 Shane 30 Show off your custom NES consoles! 2012-02-21T20:38:13 -05.00 Shane 30 Show off your custom NES consoles! 2012-02-21T19:00:40 -05.00 Shane 30 Show off your custom NES consoles! 2012-02-21T18:50:16 -05.00 Shane 30