NintendoAge -Sqooner Happy 34th Birthday Nintendo Entertainment System 2019-10-20T03:06:56 -05.00 Diamante Loco 4 Originally posted by: Estil

That was only a very limited launch in only NYC and maybe LA and such right? It's the true nationwide launch that counts (early 1986?). NYC only. LA launch in early '86. "True nationwide (USA)" two phases after that. They had to be careful at the time. They were approaching a crashed industry so there was a lot of staggering to ensure success. 

Your birthday is your birthday. Your first crawl /first step /first word may be recognized and recorded, but it's not what gets celebrated annually ever after. This is the most appropriate.   ]]>
Happy 34th Birthday Nintendo Entertainment System 2019-10-19T23:30:07 -05.00 Diamante Loco 4 Happy 34th Birthday Nintendo Entertainment System 2019-10-19T21:53:43 -05.00 Diamante Loco 4 Happy 34th Birthday Nintendo Entertainment System 2019-10-18T16:56:35 -05.00 Diamante Loco 4

The system that forever changed alot of our lives! Happy 34th NES   ]]>