NintendoAge -Sqooner God of War *POTENTIAL SPOILERS INSIDE* 2018-05-14T07:10:02 -05.00 dmvanmeveren 2
Of course things get more complicated as more elements of Norse mythology are encountered, but they never overshadow that father/son story. It does set up some cool thing to explore in the second and third chapters of the new trilogy.

I talked about it a lot in the other thread (mostly spoiler free) ]]>
God of War *POTENTIAL SPOILERS INSIDE* 2018-05-13T21:03:15 -05.00 dmvanmeveren 2
This was actually the first God of War that I have ever played, and I friggen loved it! My wife and me tore through the main storyline in like 20 hours. We are now working on all the sidequests/valkaries. My one concern is that I felt like it ended really abruptly - I got a Metal Gear Solid 5 vibe from the ending, like nothing was resolved at all. I literally thought the game was only halfway done when the credits started to roll. Did anyone else feel this way? ]]>