NintendoAge -Sqooner Message Title is the title of the message 2010-05-11T03:55:54 -05.00 Melirune 49
To clarify a few things:

I root for the NJ Devils and the Chicago Blackhawks because frankly, Canadian teams suck IMO.

I enjoy both Heavy Metal the movie, and Heavy Metal the genre.

Go Pack go! Who needs Favre!? Not us!

Yes, my first post was interesting. Nothing like a good introduction to get the ball rolling. Or in this case,a boulder going full force down a cliffside, with nothing but a small village of women and children in its path.

Woot for Canadians. We shall take over the world someday. ]]>
Message Title is the title of the message 2010-04-16T21:24:23 -05.00 Melirune 49 Message Title is the title of the message 2010-04-16T21:09:00 -05.00 Melirune 49 Message Title is the title of the message 2010-04-16T18:43:15 -05.00 Melirune 49 Message Title is the title of the message 2010-04-16T16:45:34 -05.00 Melirune 49 Message Title is the title of the message 2010-04-15T21:03:21 -05.00 Melirune 49
But a Canadian who roots for an US Hockey team  <--- Bass Ackwards

Similarly I'm USian who roots on the Canadien Habs ]]>
Message Title is the title of the message 2010-04-15T15:38:41 -05.00 Melirune 49 ~~NGD ]]> Message Title is the title of the message 2010-04-15T12:34:03 -05.00 Melirune 49 Message Title is the title of the message 2010-04-15T12:28:33 -05.00 Melirune 49 ]]> Message Title is the title of the message 2010-04-15T12:13:27 -05.00 Melirune 49