NintendoAge -Sqooner Nintendo World Championships Gold Charity Auction 2010-01-31T12:53:04 -05.00 jjgames 158 Nintendo World Championships Gold Charity Auction 2010-01-31T01:26:47 -05.00 jjgames 158
Anyways congrats JJ and the Buyer! Thanks for the post to clear it up for everyone. ]]>
Nintendo World Championships Gold Charity Auction 2010-01-31T01:15:29 -05.00 jjgames 158 Nintendo World Championships Gold Charity Auction 2010-01-31T00:51:32 -05.00 jjgames 158 It is good to see an actual donation.

Keep in mind, that this is akin to NBC or Coca Cola giving a donation, as it was done through a business (confirmed by the scan of the donation paper).

If  the $ was donated with proceeds from the sale of an actual product related to the business strategy (Video Games), the NWC could have been considered as inventory. Also, buying/donating within the same calendar year seemingly provides an assumption of a driving factor.

In the U.S., Business donations receive dollar for dollar tax credit against the yearly gross, up to 50% in some cases.
Contributions are usually done (among other reasons) to keep the business within a certain tax bracket, and sometimes to appeal to the consumer base (Marketing).

Completing the sale through ebay by relisting the item, or offering to the next highest bidders through the legitimate second chance ebay service would have made this thing a whole lot less sketchy to the viewing public. I guess the sale just couldn't be written off as both a partial loss and a charitable donation at the same time? I also guess the IRS 2009 calendar year didn't have time to wait on another ebay auction? I guess at least there's (once again, NWC Grey) no real public record of the transaction?

I dont go calling up Coca Cola or NBC with congratulations everytime they do something perceived as being good for the world. But in the end, no matter what the donating company gets out of it for themselves, every dollar counts.
 All of my asides aside (LOL), at least the World Vision organization did not lose out, and hopefully JJGames will hire a better marketing director

Im guessing the dollar for dollar match was included in the linked donation amount?

Can I give in other ways besides bidding?

You can click the donate button on our About Us Page or on the JJGames website. Every donation will be matched 100% up to $20,000. If people give $20,000, JJGames will give $20,000 for a total of $40,000!

]]> Nintendo World Championships Gold Charity Auction 2010-01-30T16:16:48 -05.00 jjgames 158 Nintendo World Championships Gold Charity Auction 2010-01-30T15:52:34 -05.00 jjgames 158 Originally posted by: postermen

They don't list them. My uncle works there. JJ's grey NWC giveaway was suspicious enough. Now this stunt has really sealed the deal for me on what kind of person he is.

is that donation verified by your uncle postermen?
Nintendo World Championships Gold Charity Auction 2010-01-30T15:41:46 -05.00 jjgames 158 Nintendo World Championships Gold Charity Auction 2010-01-30T15:28:49 -05.00 jjgames 158 ]]> Nintendo World Championships Gold Charity Auction 2010-01-16T18:42:52 -05.00 jjgames 158 Nintendo World Championships Gold Charity Auction 2010-01-16T14:39:37 -05.00 jjgames 158