NintendoAge -Sqooner Greetings from a 15 year old collector! 2017-02-10T07:51:05 -05.00 reshiram202 41
I collect 30-year-old video games and keep them in my game room. I don't even know where a collector of 15-year-olds might keep them. A dungeon [playroom], maybe?

This is the Internet, so I'm sure there's a special interest forum out there for people who collect 15-year-olds. ]]>
Greetings from a 15 year old collector! 2017-02-10T07:18:11 -05.00 reshiram202 41 Originally posted by: Baddieboy Holden

Hello! Welcome to the site!
Great to see another teenager in the community. (Myself included, being 16.)
Enjoy your stay, the people here are great.   

I feel you pain about not having sufficient funds, too. It's worse when you're only into CIB as well haha. 
Also love the fact that you're into Atari 2600. It was my first retro console as well, absolutely love it. 
Everyone wishes they had more cash. Actually, I had the most disposable income when I was a teenager. I blew all my money on my car. What a waste. I should have got a civic, and blew my money one videogames. Welcome to NintendoAge!
Greetings from a 15 year old collector! 2017-01-13T04:22:03 -05.00 reshiram202 41 Great to see another teenager in the community. (Myself included, being 16.)
Enjoy your stay, the people here are great.   

I feel you pain about not having sufficient funds, too. It's worse when you're only into CIB as well haha. 
Also love the fact that you're into Atari 2600. It was my first retro console as well, absolutely love it.  ]]>
Greetings from a 15 year old collector! 2017-01-10T23:04:52 -05.00 reshiram202 41 Originally posted by: IBtiM

Enjoy every BIT of it!

Oh my. I love puns and I about fell out of my chair with that one. ]]>
Greetings from a 15 year old collector! 2017-01-10T22:54:55 -05.00 reshiram202 41 Greetings from a 15 year old collector! 2017-01-10T16:22:35 -05.00 reshiram202 41 Greetings from a 15 year old collector! 2017-01-10T16:19:59 -05.00 reshiram202 41 Originally posted by: captmorgandrinker

Welcome! Which games do you like on the 2600?
Berzerk, Video Olympics, Frogger, Asteroids, Pitfall!, Donkey Kong (yes, even THAT one), and Skiing. I would like to get Bowling and some others but I haven't been to any places recently to look.
Greetings from a 15 year old collector! 2017-01-10T16:11:18 -05.00 reshiram202 41
Even if he gives negative attention to this forum, it's still attention that makes people wonder. Unless you're like this kid and thought Pat was being sincere.   ]]>
Greetings from a 15 year old collector! 2017-01-10T16:05:41 -05.00 reshiram202 41 Greetings from a 15 year old collector! 2017-01-10T15:48:39 -05.00 reshiram202 41