NintendoAge -Sqooner 2013 NintendoAge Weekly Contest Summer Tournament: Round 3 The Finals - Life Force 2013-08-06T18:27:24 -05.00 bimmy_lee 178 Originally posted by: |R

Hi there, this is my first post, I stumbled upon this forum after watching:
"Ecstasy of Order: The Tetris Masters"
And since I'm a big fan of Life Force, I was wondering if such a contest existed for it!

I'm not sure I get the difference between Tier 2 and 3 from the first post, I must be missing some context.
Anyway, is there a top board for Life Force scores / different types of records somewhere? and more contests to come?
I'd be happy to join on that game... :-)

EDIT: After the movie yesterday night, I did what I considered a terrible game and stopped playing after finishing the game only once but had around 240k points. Not so bad after a 2+ years pause.
Welcome to NintendoAge!  I host contests on the site every week with a different game picked each week.  I choose a set of rules for everyone to play by and you post your scores in the thread.  You can post a score as many times as you would like during the week.  I also host two tournaments a year for the top players up to that point and Life Force happened to be the game I chose for the Finals of the first tournament.  More info about the weekly contests and the tier system of the tournaments can be found in this thread:

There is a full schedule of the games being played through the end of the year and we just got started last week on the second half.  This week we are playing Bases Loaded, so if you are interested in competing with some fellow gamers, come join the fun

2013 NintendoAge Weekly Contest Summer Tournament: Round 3 The Finals - Life Force 2013-08-06T17:15:04 -05.00 bimmy_lee 178 "Ecstasy of Order: The Tetris Masters"
And since I'm a big fan of Life Force, I was wondering if such a contest existed for it!

I'm not sure I get the difference between Tier 2 and 3 from the first post, I must be missing some context.
Anyway, is there a top board for Life Force scores / different types of records somewhere? and more contests to come?
I'd be happy to join on that game... :-)

EDIT: After the movie yesterday night, I did what I considered a terrible game and stopped playing after finishing the game only once but had around 240k points. Not so bad after a 2+ years pause. ]]>
2013 NintendoAge Weekly Contest Summer Tournament: Round 3 The Finals - Life Force 2013-07-30T10:50:27 -05.00 bimmy_lee 178
There were a lot of really impressive scores put up.

I look forward to competing with all of you in the second half.

Thanks to B&G for their hard work. ]]>
2013 NintendoAge Weekly Contest Summer Tournament: Round 3 The Finals - Life Force 2013-07-29T15:13:38 -05.00 bimmy_lee 178 Originally posted by: bimmy_lee

The second announcement: bearcat-doug has been kind enough to donate his prize to do a random drawing for everyone in the tournament who did not receive a prize   Thanks Doug!  No problem! Thanks for putting on the weekly contests and a great tournament!

2013 NintendoAge Weekly Contest Summer Tournament: Round 3 The Finals - Life Force 2013-07-29T14:33:18 -05.00 bimmy_lee 178   Thanks Doug!  So that means I will be holding a random drawing here within the next few minutes for Metal Mech.  Everyone is going to keep the same numbers as last night's drawing for the Mario CD.  Krunch is the only one excluded since he won the CD.  Here are everyone's numbers once again:

8 - BenPlusPlus
17 - Caleb47
13 - Crabmaster2000
4 - Dain
3 - dev(2)
14 - dra600n
12 - EgasKrad
7 - GameboyRicky
21 - GibbyVA
11 - guillavoie
20 - hitmantommy
2 - LukeAF24
9 - MegaMartyr
18 - milesp1
15 - RetroDave
1 - Shane
19 - Space Jockey
10 - Stan
6 - treismac
16 - Vectrex280996

And we have a winner!  I am also going to attach the image since it is difficult to see the number in the picture

Congratulations to LukeAF24 for winning Metal Mech ]]>
2013 NintendoAge Weekly Contest Summer Tournament: Round 3 The Finals - Life Force 2013-07-29T10:09:51 -05.00 bimmy_lee 178
Thanks for all competition throughout the year everyone - it's been a blast. And now, onto Round 2...I'm pumped to get back into this. ]]>
2013 NintendoAge Weekly Contest Summer Tournament: Round 3 The Finals - Life Force 2013-07-29T09:33:34 -05.00 bimmy_lee 178 Originally posted by: rdrunner

Great job to everyone on Life Force! Was nice to see some people reach the third loop. Getting that far is no joke! That's for sure! There were awesome scores from every tier. Great job everybody!

2013 NintendoAge Weekly Contest Summer Tournament: Round 3 The Finals - Life Force 2013-07-29T02:57:10 -05.00 bimmy_lee 178
But I'll do better next time, and I hope I won't go away from home this time... Congrats to the winners ]]>
2013 NintendoAge Weekly Contest Summer Tournament: Round 3 The Finals - Life Force 2013-07-29T02:10:40 -05.00 bimmy_lee 178 2013 NintendoAge Weekly Contest Summer Tournament: Round 3 The Finals - Life Force 2013-07-29T00:36:52 -05.00 bimmy_lee 178