NintendoAge -Sqooner Chicago Charity Event 2016-01-18T15:33:53 -05.00 MAPip 6
If anyone else is out there near Chicagoland, please reply! ]]>
Chicago Charity Event 2016-01-18T12:54:24 -05.00 MAPip 6 Chicago Charity Event 2016-01-17T23:04:05 -05.00 MAPip 6 Chicago Charity Event 2016-01-17T23:00:07 -05.00 MAPip 6 Chicago Charity Event 2016-01-17T17:41:44 -05.00 MAPip 6 Chicago Charity Event 2016-01-17T13:31:18 -05.00 MAPip 6
   I am helping to plan a large retro-gaming charity event happening mid-March with a few local, independent gaming stores. I wanted to see how many members of the NA community are near Chicagoland to help the planning commity decide on how big of an event to aim for. 

Please post a minimal response just to get a head count. In two weeks, I will start an official charity support thread with organizer information, sponsors, and event details. At present, we are planning to host several tournaments and speed run contests (with prizes, of course), have video game vinyl playing with a DJ present, and have open tables available for trading games and memorabilia. 

Mario ]]>