NintendoAge -Sqooner Trade in your launch Switch at Gamestop, gets $200 toward a new Switch with extended battery life 2019-09-13T21:19:05 -05.00 Space Jockey 26
I think freshly off that disaster of a last console of theirs they don't want more messaging issues having to accommodate the lowest common denominator as far as base intelligence goes.

I have to admit I loathe gamestop, but being able to refresh my system for 100+tax wouldn't be so terrible. I've kept everything box and all that. I just have to wonder still if it's worth it or just ride it out for the coming hardware revision we all know is going to happen within likely the end of next year to keep up with the others. ]]>
Trade in your launch Switch at Gamestop, gets $200 toward a new Switch with extended battery life 2019-09-12T02:34:22 -05.00 Space Jockey 26 Originally posted by: NES Connoisseur

Why do they call the new "Switch "the "Switch "? Since it can't be docked it's therefore not a true "Switch "..That Fact alone killed it for me .. I dunno, their predecesor's name (Wii U) made it sound like it was a Wii going to college or was meant for college students or something.  

Back to our regularly scheduled program...if and when I ever get around to taking the Switch plunge, I'd rather have a Switch Pro (we all know it's coming in some form).  I never did like using handhelds as handhelds (though with the (3)DS there's still no really good way to play those games on the TV, so in that case you don't have a choice) because (to paraphrase Kevin from Home Alone 2) I'm afraid if do, I might misplace it or wreck it or something (and seeing people with smashed spider web screens on their phones and once seeing a three year old bang around the tablet he was borrowing from his mom causing it to get the "black blob of death", it's not like my fear/concern is unfounded).  And worse of all, it might mean losing dozens of hours of game progress if you for whatever reason misplace or wreck the game cartridge!!  You can get another game cartridge but there's no buying back all that hard work!!!

Yeah I know this is making me sound like a total weirdo or something but I can't help it...I've never been anywhere near living high off the hog (or even so much as the middle of the hog!!) so all the more reason I feel especially compelled to treat the nice things I do get to have with R-E-S-P-E-C-T.

Trade in your launch Switch at Gamestop, gets $200 toward a new Switch with extended battery life 2019-09-11T22:08:58 -05.00 Space Jockey 26 Trade in your launch Switch at Gamestop, gets $225 toward a new Switch with extended battery life 2019-09-11T14:14:00 -05.00 Space Jockey 26 Trade in your launch Switch at Gamestop, gets $225 toward a new Switch with extended battery life 2019-08-21T11:54:15 -05.00 Space Jockey 26 Trade in your launch Switch at Gamestop, gets $225 toward a new Switch with extended battery life 2019-08-21T08:51:24 -05.00 Space Jockey 26 Originally posted by: a3quit4s
Originally posted by: CaLan87
Originally posted by: a3quit4s
Originally posted by: CaLan87
Originally posted by: a3quit4s

You need everything that came in the box - this include those lanyard things as well.

Joy Cons

v2 only comes with gray joy cons I think as well, no neon option. The new Switch comes with all that stuff anyways, so you aren't losing anything.

edit: Getting new Joy Cons is another reason to do this as well if you use them a lot. The controller drift is apparently a real thing, so if you are heavily using them, do this deal! 

Let me know what you think of the new one. I’m pretty good friends with the mgr at my GameStop and he was telling me a lot of people are trying to get their old version back because of different reasons (but obviously that can’t happen)
No issues for me. Wouldn’t even know the consoles had been changed. I’ve played docked and handheld and the experience has been the same except for way better battery life. Not sure what people are experiencing. 

Well i just checked the trade in value and they updated last night. Looks like theyre only giving 175+25 now. that probably killed it for me. 

Still not bad, only $25 less than before. Plus if they are still doing the additional $5 on games that are worth over $2 on trade in, trade in some of you older stuff you'll never play and its pretty easy to pay nothing for the new Switch. You can look up trade values right on their site which makes it easy to target games of value. I had a bunch of PSX games I'll never play that had great trade value.

Yea ive got the credit to do it by far, just kind irks me that they pretty much nulled the +25 for the switch. 75 was visually a much better number than 100. Kind of a loophole in their "+25" to the console trade in thats supposed to be good till 9/20... With such a small difference in the 2 consoles im not sure i want to burn 100 of the credit. Rather just buy their high priced games with it lol ]]>
Trade in your launch Switch at Gamestop, gets $225 toward a new Switch with extended battery life 2019-08-21T07:14:31 -05.00 Space Jockey 26 Originally posted by: CaLan87
Originally posted by: a3quit4s
Originally posted by: CaLan87
Originally posted by: a3quit4s

You need everything that came in the box - this include those lanyard things as well.

Joy Cons

v2 only comes with gray joy cons I think as well, no neon option. The new Switch comes with all that stuff anyways, so you aren't losing anything.

edit: Getting new Joy Cons is another reason to do this as well if you use them a lot. The controller drift is apparently a real thing, so if you are heavily using them, do this deal! 

Let me know what you think of the new one. I’m pretty good friends with the mgr at my GameStop and he was telling me a lot of people are trying to get their old version back because of different reasons (but obviously that can’t happen)
No issues for me. Wouldn’t even know the consoles had been changed. I’ve played docked and handheld and the experience has been the same except for way better battery life. Not sure what people are experiencing. 

Well i just checked the trade in value and they updated last night. Looks like theyre only giving 175+25 now. that probably killed it for me. 

  Still not bad, only $25 less than before. Plus if they are still doing the additional $5 on games that are worth over $2 on trade in, trade in some of you older stuff you'll never play and its pretty easy to pay nothing for the new Switch. You can look up trade values right on their site which makes it easy to target games of value. I had a bunch of PSX games I'll never play that had great trade value.

Trade in your launch Switch at Gamestop, gets $225 toward a new Switch with extended battery life 2019-08-21T06:33:41 -05.00 Space Jockey 26 Originally posted by: a3quit4s
Originally posted by: CaLan87
Originally posted by: a3quit4s

You need everything that came in the box - this include those lanyard things as well.

Joy Cons

v2 only comes with gray joy cons I think as well, no neon option. The new Switch comes with all that stuff anyways, so you aren't losing anything.

edit: Getting new Joy Cons is another reason to do this as well if you use them a lot. The controller drift is apparently a real thing, so if you are heavily using them, do this deal! 

Let me know what you think of the new one. I’m pretty good friends with the mgr at my GameStop and he was telling me a lot of people are trying to get their old version back because of different reasons (but obviously that can’t happen)
No issues for me. Wouldn’t even know the consoles had been changed. I’ve played docked and handheld and the experience has been the same except for way better battery life. Not sure what people are experiencing. 

  Well i just checked the trade in value and they updated last night. Looks like theyre only giving 175+25 now. that probably killed it for me. 

Trade in your launch Switch at Gamestop, gets $225 toward a new Switch with extended battery life 2019-08-21T06:15:05 -05.00 Space Jockey 26 Originally posted by: a3quit4s
Originally posted by: CaLan87
Originally posted by: a3quit4s

You need everything that came in the box - this include those lanyard things as well.

Joy Cons

v2 only comes with gray joy cons I think as well, no neon option. The new Switch comes with all that stuff anyways, so you aren't losing anything.

edit: Getting new Joy Cons is another reason to do this as well if you use them a lot. The controller drift is apparently a real thing, so if you are heavily using them, do this deal! 

Let me know what you think of the new one. I’m pretty good friends with the mgr at my GameStop and he was telling me a lot of people are trying to get their old version back because of different reasons (but obviously that can’t happen)
No issues for me. Wouldn’t even know the consoles had been changed. I’ve played docked and handheld and the experience has been the same except for way better battery life. Not sure what people are experiencing. 

Maybe they forgot to transfer their game data over to the new system 
Trade in your launch Switch at Gamestop, gets $225 toward a new Switch with extended battery life 2019-08-21T06:11:26 -05.00 Space Jockey 26 Originally posted by: CaLan87
Originally posted by: a3quit4s

You need everything that came in the box - this include those lanyard things as well.

Joy Cons

v2 only comes with gray joy cons I think as well, no neon option. The new Switch comes with all that stuff anyways, so you aren't losing anything.

edit: Getting new Joy Cons is another reason to do this as well if you use them a lot. The controller drift is apparently a real thing, so if you are heavily using them, do this deal! 

Let me know what you think of the new one. I’m pretty good friends with the mgr at my GameStop and he was telling me a lot of people are trying to get their old version back because of different reasons (but obviously that can’t happen) No issues for me. Wouldn’t even know the consoles had been changed. I’ve played docked and handheld and the experience has been the same except for way better battery life. Not sure what people are experiencing. 
