NintendoAge -Sqooner First Cart to use a Battery Backup Save?? 2016-12-21T16:10:23 -05.00 Zwario 8 Originally posted by: Guntz

The earliest date I can find for Phantasy Star (SMS) is December 20 1987.

Remember that Legend of Zelda was released for the Famicom Disk System in 1986, not Famicom cartridge. It wasn't until the NES version in 1987 that the game used battery + SRAM to save. Phantasy Star (or some other SMS game I can't think of) might predate Zelda, maybe not. It's hard finding release info on SMS games.
If there is a game that pre-dates Zelda I think it would have to be on a home computer or overseas system.
There may be a cartridge that saves for C-64 , Atari 800, TRS-80 etc but I'm fairly certain that there weren't any US console games with save function prior to NES. 

First Cart to use a Battery Backup Save?? 2016-12-21T13:51:51 -05.00 Zwario 8 Originally posted by: BertBerryCrunch

Originally posted by: Buyatari

There was an old PC RPG game I played in the 80s that asked you to write down your data.
I don't remember the name. If anyone has played a game like this let me know.
Then when you started again if you wanted to replay an old game you were then asked to retrieve your notes and honestly put down your information.
Of course we put down max values for strength hit points and items etc.

haha, side note, I miss having cheat codes in games where you can unlock crazy shit. Seems like a thing of the past now

I miss meaningless points in games too!
First Cart to use a Battery Backup Save?? 2016-12-21T13:05:44 -05.00 Zwario 8
Remember that Legend of Zelda was released for the Famicom Disk System in 1986, not Famicom cartridge. It wasn't until the NES version in 1987 that the game used battery + SRAM to save. Phantasy Star (or some other SMS game I can't think of) might predate Zelda, maybe not. It's hard finding release info on SMS games. ]]>
First Cart to use a Battery Backup Save?? 2016-12-21T12:19:36 -05.00 Zwario 8
EDIT: That's what gives me fond memories of Rogue Squadron for N64 ]]>
First Cart to use a Battery Backup Save?? 2016-12-21T11:37:39 -05.00 Zwario 8 Originally posted by: Buyatari

There was an old PC RPG game I played in the 80s that asked you to write down your data.
I don't remember the name. If anyone has played a game like this let me know.
Then when you started again if you wanted to replay an old game you were then asked to retrieve your notes and honestly put down your information.
Of course we put down max values for strength hit points and items etc.

haha, side note, I miss having cheat codes in games where you can unlock crazy shit. Seems like a thing of the past now ]]>
First Cart to use a Battery Backup Save?? 2016-12-21T10:30:48 -05.00 Zwario 8 I don't remember the name. If anyone has played a game like this let me know.
Then when you started again if you wanted to replay an old game you were then asked to retrieve your notes and honestly put down your information.
Of course we put down max values for strength hit points and items etc. ]]>
First Cart to use a Battery Backup Save?? 2016-12-21T04:34:03 -05.00 Zwario 8 First Cart to use a Battery Backup Save?? 2016-12-21T02:17:24 -05.00 Zwario 8