NintendoAge -Sqooner Ninja Gaiden FFFFFFUUUUUUU 2012-01-24T03:38:32 -05.00 ZoOmer 19
Part III is the hardest imo. x_x; I've beaten Ninja Gaiden I and II but still working on beating III... though I'll be honest, I haven't spent a lot of time on III either. ]]>
Ninja Gaiden FFFFFFUUUUUUU 2012-01-24T02:07:50 -05.00 ZoOmer 19 Ninja Gaiden FFFFFFUUUUUUU 2012-01-22T17:03:28 -05.00 ZoOmer 19 Originally posted by: Armageddon Potato

I've been trying to 1 life NG3, but man is that last stage a killer. When I finally did it I had like 8 seconds or something left on the clock!

You, sir, are a god. I can do Ninja Gaidens I and II on one life, but I haven't been able to do that in part III. Not yet anyway.


Ninja Gaiden FFFFFFUUUUUUU 2012-01-21T18:37:14 -05.00 ZoOmer 19 I've been trying to 1 life NG3, but man is that last stage a killer. When I finally did it I had like 8 seconds or something left on the clock!

I also had a lot of trouble with the boss that rams the wall. The hit detection is 100% random. Just cause the boulders hit or don't hit you doesn't mean you won't get hit/not get hit!

 Edit: Also gotta say I'd love to play a hack of that game that has to original two NGs physics. Never was a fan of the floatier jumping, or the choosy hit detection.

Ninja Gaiden FFFFFFUUUUUUU 2012-01-21T15:35:44 -05.00 ZoOmer 19 Ninja Gaiden FFFFFFUUUUUUU 2012-01-18T15:17:34 -05.00 ZoOmer 19 Originally posted by: sconley666

Originally posted by: Nightowljrm

So true... That's when I rage quit...

Dude, I think this is the second time I have "heard" you say that about a game! LOL and the first time I thought it was priceless.  I seriously LOL'd when I saw you write that again, it just couldn't be more true dude....."rage-quit"

Sidenote: Have you ever done the "rage-quit" and then been like "FUCK! Why didn't I just give it another go! WHY DID I TURN IT OFF!!!!!!!!!!!"  I have done this and then turned it right back on, and I've done it and never played it again. (i.e. Majora's Mask)

It's because it's so true! I've tried to beat Ninja Gaiden three times seriously (y'know, when you're in that mode where you think "I WILL NOT MOVE FROM THIS SPOT 'TIL I BEAT THIS GAME!!") and every time, I've done that.

One of the times, I did shut off the game out of anger and I was like, "NO! I didn't mean to! UGH..." That's the most frustrating feeling in the world... you just end up staring at your TV like, "Why...?" with a soft whimper more pathetic than a dog begging for food.
Ninja Gaiden FFFFFFUUUUUUU 2012-01-18T15:14:45 -05.00 ZoOmer 19 Ninja Gaiden FFFFFFUUUUUUU 2012-01-18T02:04:27 -05.00 ZoOmer 19 Ninja Gaiden FFFFFFUUUUUUU 2012-01-17T11:55:00 -05.00 ZoOmer 19 . ]]> Ninja Gaiden FFFFFFUUUUUUU 2012-01-17T09:32:35 -05.00 ZoOmer 19
Now the game that had been give it a big FU was Battletoads. I beat the dark queen, and then she flew up across the screen to disappear off the screen after she was defeated, and since I was standing in her path of flight, it counted it as a hit and I died. I was pissed that day! ]]>