NintendoAge -Sqooner Official Mario Maker 2 Thread 2019-08-11T16:48:29 -05.00 quest4nes 54
WXT-P7T-8QF ]]>
Official Mario Maker 2 Thread 2019-08-05T16:48:00 -05.00 quest4nes 54 Official Mario Maker 2 Thread 2019-07-30T15:48:57 -05.00 quest4nes 54

Official Mario Maker 2 Thread 2019-07-21T09:36:16 -05.00 quest4nes 54 Originally posted by: quest4nes

yes it does come with everything. Except for 2 bonus items for beating story mode.

Do what I said. Set your wii u clock forward 2 weeks. Put the game in. Boom all unlocked. Then later just go fix your clock back.

Or go to make a level and just drag hundreds of ground tiles over a stage. Itll unlock stuff.
I am a caveman. 

I did that (the clock thing), but it still only unlocks things one truck at a time....?       I will check again to see if I did it properly. 

Spamming the levels did add stuff, but little by little. I will most likely give up on it and just play Mario Maker 2 at some point, as any sane person would at this point. Haha, I didn't realize how old it was.  

I mean.... the HD graphics are cool as hell so I'll check out some of the online levels (If I still can???) at least while I still have it from my buddy before I give it back.  ]]>
Official Mario Maker 2 Thread 2019-07-19T04:13:07 -05.00 quest4nes 54 Originally posted by: AirVillain
Originally posted by: quest4nes

You are the only one playing mario maker 1 so no we are not annoyed. We are over here on mario maker 2 with everything and more

Does Mario Maker 2 come with everything all loaded up and ready to go? 

If so, then shame on me. 

My buddy just lent me the game, though... even fully loaded I can't say I'd buy it. I'd borrow it from someone after 4 years. Good god, this game is 4 years old? Whelp... I'll jump into the Mario Maker 3-4 thread by the time I get to 2. 
yes it does come with everything. Except for 2 bonus items for beating story mode.

Do what I said. Set your wii u clock forward 2 weeks. Put the game in. Boom all unlocked. Then later just go fix your clock back.

Or go to make a level and just drag hundreds of ground tiles over a stage. Itll unlock stuff.
Official Mario Maker 2 Thread 2019-07-19T03:09:49 -05.00 quest4nes 54 Originally posted by: quest4nes

You are the only one playing mario maker 1 so no we are not annoyed. We are over here on mario maker 2 with everything and more
Does Mario Maker 2 come with everything all loaded up and ready to go? 

If so, then shame on me. 

My buddy just lent me the game, though... even fully loaded I can't say I'd buy it. I'd borrow it from someone after 4 years. Good god, this game is 4 years old? Whelp... I'll jump into the Mario Maker 3-4 thread by the time I get to 2.  ]]>
Official Mario Maker 2 Thread 2019-07-19T01:50:33 -05.00 quest4nes 54 Originally posted by: AirVillain
Originally posted by: quest4nes

Set your wii u clock forward a couple weeks then load the game. Then fix it back.

id consider the fact you are just now playing mario maker 1 is barbarity

Helpful tip.

Quite late by new gaming standards, I know... Not really my style, though.

I made a few levels... and... meh. I'm annoyed at not having everything. Am I the only one?

I feel the game would be way better if it just gave you all the items/level possibilities.

I'll play it again and play some levels online that others have made... Maybe make a few more levels...
You are the only one playing mario maker 1 so no we are not annoyed. We are over here on mario maker 2 with everything and more
Official Mario Maker 2 Thread 2019-07-19T01:03:58 -05.00 quest4nes 54 Originally posted by: quest4nes

Set your wii u clock forward a couple weeks then load the game. Then fix it back.

id consider the fact you are just now playing mario maker 1 is barbarity
Helpful tip.

Quite late by new gaming standards, I know... Not really my style, though.

I made a few levels... and... meh. I'm annoyed at not having everything. Am I the only one?

I feel the game would be way better if it just gave you all the items/level possibilities.

I'll play it again and play some levels online that others have made... Maybe make a few more levels... ]]>
Official Mario Maker 2 Thread 2019-07-16T20:03:16 -05.00 quest4nes 54 Originally posted by: Estil

Did they carry over the first Super Mario Maker levels (the kind people created and posted online) so you can play them using Mario Maker 2? game physics are tweaked, and some wouldnt even work in this game. So that would be a bad idea.

Official Mario Maker 2 Thread 2019-07-16T13:43:54 -05.00 quest4nes 54 Originally posted by: Estil

Did they carry over the first Super Mario Maker levels (the kind people created and posted online) so you can play them using Mario Maker 2?

None of mine carried over, so no.  I had to remake them all.