NintendoAge -Sqooner Real NES vs. Famiclones composite output quality. 2017-10-30T20:06:57 -05.00 cunawarit 1
I've collected a few ways of playing my NES/Famicom games:

* Original NES from my childhood.
* Raspberry Pi.
* Coolbaby RS-35.
* Hyperkin Retron HD.

The CoolBaby served me well before I found my childhood NES, but I didn't realise the sound was so off till I played an NES again. My question is about quality of the composite output. Both the CoolBaby and the Hyperkin look notisably blurrier. Why is that? What do the clones get wrong? The NES composite output looks really quite sharp, with some solid colours having a slight checkered effect on my 42 inch Panasonic TV, the other two have blury edges around everything without the same checkered effect on anything. ]]>