NintendoAge -Sqooner Zelda: Parallel Worlds Remodel 2013-05-06T00:08:58 -05.00 Midevil Chaos 1
I have played the original A Link to to Past game, and so I know the enemies and how to defeat them. In any case, I am completely stumped. I am fighting against the orange beast (you know the one with the mask?). Well, his mask is off (as I destroyed it), but when I hit him he doesn't turn any other colour (as is customary). And I pound him for a while, and I seem to hit him.

In any case, you know the orange balls of fire he's suppose to spew? They don't appear at all, and I mean not at all. He starts moving like crazy after 5 minutes of me doing nothing in the corner (not kidding), and then he finally spews his balls. And then, I go and pound him some more for about 3 minutes. Is there something I should know?

Also, I am playing on my SNES (NOT on an emu).
I have the NTSC version.