NintendoAge -Sqooner Guy gets caught dumpster diving on Gamestop 2012-11-06T01:46:04 -05.00 Thunderblaze16 29 Guy gets caught dumpster diving on Gamestop 2012-11-05T23:35:19 -05.00 Thunderblaze16 29 Guy gets caught dumpster diving on Gamestop 2012-11-05T01:03:11 -05.00 Thunderblaze16 29 Guy gets caught dumpster diving on Gamestop 2012-11-03T21:00:28 -05.00 Thunderblaze16 29 Guy gets caught dumpster diving on Gamestop 2012-11-03T14:17:50 -05.00 Thunderblaze16 29 Originally posted by: smokinjoe24

I went last week but only found wingstop grease. I do love me some wingstop though LOL, there's a Wingstop right next to my Gamestop in Shreveport (off of Pines road)
Guy gets caught dumpster diving on Gamestop 2012-11-02T21:38:53 -05.00 Thunderblaze16 29 Guy gets caught dumpster diving on Gamestop 2012-11-02T21:14:32 -05.00 Thunderblaze16 29 Guy gets caught dumpster diving on Gamestop 2012-11-02T19:35:30 -05.00 Thunderblaze16 29 Guy gets caught dumpster diving on Gamestop 2012-11-02T01:01:43 -05.00 Thunderblaze16 29
Does anyone else have a gamestop near by that locks there garbage? ]]>
Guy gets caught dumpster diving on Gamestop 2012-10-30T11:40:38 -05.00 Thunderblaze16 29 Originally posted by: tracker465

Originally posted by: dra600n

Originally posted by: tracker465

Honestly not sure what the big appeal of dumpster diving is. Watching this guy's video, it seems like a lot of work for little gain, if any gain. I mean, his finds don't do anything for me, even at the level of free.

I can understand the reasoning behind why dumpster diving is a crime, but I never see anything wrong with giving someone something if they want it and it is just going to be trashed.

There's nothing wrong with it, unless you don't get permission before hand. Every time I walk into gamestop (which isn't very often), I ask whoever the manager is if they have anything they're throwing out from old stock and if so, can I have it, and also if I could check their dumpster. 9 out of 10 times, they say yes. Other times, if/when they say no, I don't. No need to cause trouble for $5 worth of crap.

Oh I totally agree that it is appropriate to ask permission beforehand, and was not trying to imply with my words otherwise.    Hence the words "giving someone".  I don't think that dumpsters can "give" someone something, atleast not in the traditional sense of the word.  Either way, I still stand behind my original post.  If someone wants something and it is just going to be trashed, why not let them have it and enjoy it?  At the end of the day, more factors come into play such as policy rules, getting permission from this guy and that, etc, but I stand behind the basic principle that if I am gonna trash it and someone else wants it and can enjoy it, then why not?
I agree, unfortunately, a lot of people don't. ]]>