NintendoAge -Sqooner Auction over,please lock topic,thanks 2012-09-18T21:47:39 -05.00 83skillz 20 Auction over,please lock topic,thanks 2012-09-18T21:22:04 -05.00 83skillz 20 Auction over,please lock topic,thanks 2012-09-18T20:34:31 -05.00 83skillz 20 Auction over,please lock topic,thanks 2012-09-18T19:46:48 -05.00 83skillz 20
I hadn't noticed this had happend until doing some reading on PlanetVB today, which I only check every few weeks as it moves slow, and well I'm just extremely dissapointed in the greed of 83skillz. ]]>
Bound High Virtual Boy reproduction cart on Ebay ending 9/9/12 at 10pm central time 2012-09-10T10:37:32 -05.00 83skillz 20 Originally posted by: DreamMary

In 17 years, MineStorm was the only person whom made them.
People had tried before and as I stated the carts were ugly, so unless someone else designs custom boards like MineStorm then we will never see VB reproductions again.

He build the reproductions from the same custom boards he used for the FlashBoy cartridges.

It is much easier to do now because you can see how it was done the first time.

You may have to make have custom boards made which is expensive but if you have one of these reproductions in hand then you just follow the same recipe. 

If there is money to be made doing it then trust me someone will figure it out.  ]]>
Bound High Virtual Boy reproduction cart on Ebay ending 9/9/12 at 10pm central time 2012-09-10T10:23:48 -05.00 83skillz 20 Bound High Virtual Boy reproduction cart on Ebay ending 9/9/12 at 10pm central time 2012-09-10T07:41:29 -05.00 83skillz 20 People had tried before and as I stated the carts were ugly, so unless someone else designs custom boards like MineStorm then we will never see VB reproductions again.

He build the reproductions from the same custom boards he used for the FlashBoy cartridges. ]]>
Bound High Virtual Boy reproduction cart on Ebay ending 9/9/12 at 10pm central time 2012-09-10T07:17:24 -05.00 83skillz 20 Bound High Virtual Boy reproduction cart on Ebay ending 9/9/12 at 10pm central time 2012-09-10T07:04:36 -05.00 83skillz 20 The custom new boards of MineStorm were brilliant.

Making repros from the existing board is near impossible, because suitable chips for flashing are larger then the case. So you end up with a ugly cart, without a case or with a hole in the case. And they end up being like $65 priced.

Also before this incident, literally anyone could have got Bound High for free. 3 donor carts is less then $18.
Bound High Virtual Boy reproduction cart on Ebay ending 9/9/12 at 10pm central time 2012-09-10T01:26:33 -05.00 83skillz 20 ...
The thing you should be aware of is that he was not attempting to many any type of profit off of the game. He was using one of his VB flashkit boards, which he designed, tested, and paid for out of his own money. He was flashing the game to the board free of charge. He was building the reprotuction cart, printing the sticker, applying it, and then shipping out the final product free of charge.
Those of us who got in early were able to trade for just 2 donor carts, later 3. For most people this just ment sending out a few of their extra games and in return they received a bit of VB history.
His only request was that we never tried to sell them on eBay or anything like that. As thanks for not doing that he would continue to allow ANYONE to receive a reproduction cart who was able to send the donors.
Not being able to follow that very simple request is pretty much just throwing shite. It shows that the person who received it simply did not care about the commuinty and the request of the person behind the project. 