NintendoAge -Sqooner DK2 - New Intellivision Homebrew Reviewed 2012-06-05T21:19:38 -05.00 8bitgamer 6 Originally posted by: 3GenGames

Yes, that's right, ColecoVision and NES fans, your once-impressive versions of the game--with their missing screen (Pie Factory) and lack of interstitial animations--are now inferior to this classy new cartridge.

^That part made me lol. NES has a pie level game and the graphics are still better, along with sound. But that game looks pretty sweet, good new levels. Good for the Intelivison.

True that the graphics are better for the NES and CV (which is understandable considering the power of those systems--perhaps I should have pointed that out in the review), but the Intellivision game has all four arcade screens (plus five new screens) compared to only three screens. ]]>
DK2 - New Intellivision Homebrew Reviewed 2012-06-05T20:48:45 -05.00 8bitgamer 6
^That part made me lol. NES has a pie level game and the graphics are still better, along with sound. But that game looks pretty sweet, good new levels. Good for the Intelivison. ]]>
DK2 - New Intellivision Homebrew Reviewed 2012-06-05T08:47:51 -05.00 8bitgamer 6 Thinking I might have to pick up a collector's copy when available. ]]> DK2 - New Intellivision Homebrew Reviewed 2012-06-05T08:18:56 -05.00 8bitgamer 6 DK2 - New Intellivision Homebrew Reviewed 2012-06-05T07:39:48 -05.00 8bitgamer 6 DK2 - New Intellivision Homebrew Reviewed 2012-06-05T00:22:33 -05.00 8bitgamer 6 ]]>