NintendoAge -Sqooner Crazy Storm Chicagoland Area, Storm Drains Leaking Into Basement 2019-09-13T11:46:08 -05.00 ICrappedMyPants 4 Crazy Storm Chicagoland Area, Storm Drains Leaking Into Basement 2019-09-13T11:08:02 -05.00 ICrappedMyPants 4
Some houses near the rivers are flooded and streets are closed in the Northwest suburbs. ]]>
Crazy Storm Chicagoland Area, Storm Drains Leaking Into Basement 2019-09-13T09:56:45 -05.00 ICrappedMyPants 4
Hello Friday the 13th ]]>
Crazy Storm Chicagoland Area, Storm Drains Leaking Into Basement 2019-09-13T02:59:33 -05.00 ICrappedMyPants 4
Thankfully, I went down to check and was able to put towels at the base of the windows and use the shop vac to clean up the mess. Now, I’m up working on fan drying the floor. My collection is thankfully safe as well.

I hope everyone in the area is okay too. ]]>