NintendoAge -Sqooner Not really a bug, more of a weird user experience 2010-04-20T17:41:51 -05.00 albailey 2 Not really a bug, more of a weird user experience 2010-04-20T14:30:02 -05.00 albailey 2 I don't think this is a bug, but it did throw me for a loop.

I wanted to check something in the NES game database, so:
-  I clicked on the "NES" label at the top of the main page
-  then I clicked on "Refine Search" and all the games went away. 
-  then I tried clicking on the "New Search"  button and the games once again were not there (although the text changed to "Refine Search".

Then I realized I need to login before I can do any of this stuff, and everything was perfect.

I'm thinking that either those buttons can be removed when people are not logged in, or else maybe indicate to people like me that they need to remember to login, lol.

