NintendoAge -Sqooner "Sakura R" Super Famicom Bootleg Cartridge...what is this? Oh, and buy it. 2014-03-18T16:12:10 -05.00 coffeewithmrsaturn 8 "Sakura R" Super Famicom Bootleg Cartridge...what is this? Oh, and buy it. 2014-03-18T11:59:35 -05.00 coffeewithmrsaturn 8 "Sakura R" Super Famicom Bootleg Cartridge...what is this? Oh, and buy it. 2014-03-17T17:06:40 -05.00 coffeewithmrsaturn 8
I'm thinking bootleg, since most sfc games I've seen NEVER have stock holes for them to play on US machines... not that I'm aware of at least-- unless they're drilled-in (which I hate).

Also, Sam Adams. Cheers, bud. ]]>
"Sakura R" Super Famicom Bootleg Cartridge...what is this? Oh, and buy it. 2014-03-17T13:05:12 -05.00 coffeewithmrsaturn 8 "Sakura R" Super Famicom Bootleg Cartridge...what is this? Oh, and buy it. 2014-03-16T02:13:29 -05.00 coffeewithmrsaturn 8 "Sakura R 2014-03-16T00:02:08 -05.00 coffeewithmrsaturn 8
The original label looks like this:

Not sure if it's a bootleg, but maybe the PCB is legit and someone changed the label to the SNES style when they modified the cart. Good luck with the auction! ]]>
"Sakura R" Super Famicom Bootleg Cartridge...what is this? Oh, and buy it. 2014-03-15T23:36:51 -05.00 coffeewithmrsaturn 8 "Sakura R" Super Famicom Bootleg Cartridge...what is this? Oh, and buy it. 2014-03-15T23:34:34 -05.00 coffeewithmrsaturn 8 Welcome!

House Rules:
--Ends Tuesday 3/18, 10:00pm NA time.
--Bidding starts at $1

--One 1-minute rolling extensions if any bids in final minute (will end at 10:0X:00 after a minute without bids).
--Shipping is free in the US, $6.50 to Canada with tracking.
--Gift payment is appreciated, not expected.  No explanation is necessary for which method you choose.

High bid: $15 (snes collector)

Up for auction is a SFC game I got awhile back and don't know that much about.  Feel free to chime in if you have any information on this, please.  This is a "price check" (via auction) combined with a "help wanted"   I was told it's a bootleg, but I don't know if the game is an actual release.  The title was advertised as "Sakura R" although it's not in English on the cartridge or on the actual game.  Most of the game is in Japanese.  It plays like Street Fighter II but with a lot more girls and less specials (or at least I haven't figured many of them out).  If there is the slightest bit of interest in a picture of the board, I will post that.  Actually, I will plan on posting that asap regardless of interest, because now I'm curious   The cartridge has slots on the back so it will play in a Super Nintendo without any alterations to the console or the cartridge.  The cartridge is yellowed.

edit: I tried to open the cartridge, and although I got the screws out, the cartridge seems to be sealed somehow at the base.  Maybe the sides are just really stuck together from pressure over time or something, but it felt like I would break the plastic if I pulled hard enough to actually separate the shell.  Any suggestions?  I'd love to see the board, but now I'm not so sure I can do that without damaging the shell. ]]>