NintendoAge -Sqooner Watch out for Fake N64 Variant 2012-04-02T23:59:41 -05.00 jkenned5 16

black mario is uncommon but still on the rare side, see for yourself ]]>
Watch out for Fake N64 Variant 2012-04-02T23:16:32 -05.00 jkenned5 16
I can make that happen for $50

- nintendo64s

Dear nintendo64s,

Hey there, I saw you also had a Castlevania red cartridge for sale. Do you make these yourself? Could you possibly make a Blue Ocarina of Time I could pay for the cartridge and whatever else is needed to make these. Please let me know, Thanks.

What a butthole.. C'mon.. 50$!? ]]>
Watch out for Fake N64 Variant 2012-04-02T15:45:56 -05.00 jkenned5 16 Originally posted by: kevinu86

haha what a fuckin idiot that guy is.."... I am also one of the few people in the world to own a complete North American Nintendo 64 video game collection." what a douche..n64 library is small..ive been actively going after a CIB set for less than a month and am already like 20% done..not hard at all to have a complete n64 set..especially cart only For reals. It sounds like he had to reiterate himself like 3-4 times in each sentence as well.... to the point to where to me, sounds very misleading. 

Edit: Also to the OP: thanks for the heads up. ]]>
Watch out for Fake N64 Variant 2012-04-02T13:26:34 -05.00 jkenned5 16 Watch out for Fake N64 Variant 2012-04-02T01:34:19 -05.00 jkenned5 16 Originally posted by: del01

Topic: Watch out for Fake N64 Variant
Summary: Black Mario Party.

lmao, I just pissed myself

Watch out for Fake N64 Variant 2012-04-02T00:26:37 -05.00 jkenned5 16 Originally posted by: smokinjoe24

It worked though. He didn't do anything wrong in that particular auction...other than lying about dropping what he is doing to ship it. You mean to tell me if you see you sold it while you are taking a dump, you are gonna not wipe and get up...have dookie smeared all in your butt cheeks and go ship the item, then come home and finish? I don't think so...

LOL ]]>
Watch out for Fake N64 Variant 2012-04-01T23:53:44 -05.00 jkenned5 16 Watch out for Fake N64 Variant 2012-04-01T23:31:43 -05.00 jkenned5 16 Watch out for Fake N64 Variant 2012-04-01T18:22:39 -05.00 jkenned5 16 Watch out for Fake N64 Variant 2012-04-01T18:06:24 -05.00 jkenned5 16